Activities Log
Current Turn                                            
American Megafauna
The board game of dinosaurs and evolution by Sierra Madre Games
Pbem Playback of the Edition II Game
July 5, 2004

138 immigrant; 1-4 SAW; m; enters from Asia; Bear-dogs (carnivora; amphicyonids)
    |       |                    MAP
    |       |
    |       |
    | GG/Z52|       ---------           -----------------
    | 2     |       |       |           |       |       |
    |       |       |       |           |       |       |
    |  Asia |       |       |           |       |       |
    ---------       |  X99  |           |  X97  |  X98  |
        |           |  4i   |           |  4i   |  41   |
 Kula Bridge: OPEN  |Angara-|           |Baltica|Europe |
        |           |land   |           |       |       |
-----------------   ---------   -------------------------
|               |   |       |   |               |   predator line
|               |   |       |   |         EG    |   herbivore line
|               |   |       |   |YY             |   huskers line
|     X96       |   |       |   |BG/Z12   --/S44|   Requirements/Niche[code]	ARCTIC (dry)
|     4i        |   |       |   |2H       2     |   Size, Notes
|  ^Beringia    |   |Kolyma |   |   Greenland^  |   Name
|               |   |       |   |               |
---------------------------------------------------------        ---------
        |AF             |               |               |        |       |   predator line
        |CC             |E        EE    |               | Canta- |       |   herbivore line
JET     |          DD   |               |               | brian  |       |   huskers line
STREAM  |BB/a83    G/S41|         --/P30|               |-Bridge-|--/I22 |   Requirements/Niche[code]
(seas-  |2         2H   |         2     |               |        |2Spa.  |   Size, Notes
onal)   |    Talkeetna  |   Laurentian  | Zechstein Sea | CLOSED |Iberia |   Name
        |               |     Shield    |               |        |       |
-------------------------------------------------------------    ---------
|AAF            |               |               |   |       |   predator line
|CCC            |         X     |         EG    |   |       |   herbivore line
|           D   |               |               |   |       |   huskers line
|--/Z8      X/92|GG/S68   MA/M38|X74      --/I94|   |       |   Requirements/Niche[code]	HORSE (dry)
|3d         1Hn |3d       1m    |2d       2n    |   |       |   Size, Notes
|   Laramidia^  |Epeiric Seaway |   Appalachia^ |   |Tethys |   Name                            Legend:
|               |               |               |   | Ocean |					  -- = No biome requirement
-------------------------------------------------   ---------					  H = Husking available
        |          A    |               |   predator line					  Z = Size niche
        |          C    |               |   herbivore line					  d = dry biome
        |               |               |   huskers line					  i = ice biome
TROPICAL|G/Z26     B/P7 |MAA/P32  BG/P64|   Requirements/Niche[code]	              		  m = marine biome
 (wet)  |3w        1n   |2m       2     |   Size, Notes					  	  n = biome does not migrate
        | Sierra Madre^ |Gulf of Mexico |   Name					  	  ^ = mountain slot
        |               |               |\_________ 						  s = seasonal biome
        ---------------------------------	   \		  		  		  w = wet biome
                |               | \ ----------  ----------   					  Afr. = Africa, separates to Gondwanaland
                |               |  \|        |  |AA      |   predator line	                  Spa. = Spain, separates to Iberia
                |EG             |   |        |  |CC      |   herbivore line			  X = no food
TROPICAL (wet)  |               |   |        |  |        |   huskers line
                |--/I           |   |        |  |BB/Z14  |   Requirements/Niche[code]
                |2w             |   |        |  |2Afr.   |   Size, Notes
                |     Panama    |   |Atlantic|  |Gondwan-|   Name
                |               |   |  Rift  |  |aland   |
                -----------------   ----------  ----------
		      Cocos Bridge: CLOSED
			     |       |   predator line					  	  
			     |       |   herbivore line					          
			     |       |   huskers line
                             |       |   Requirements/Niche[code]	
			     |       |   Size, Notes					    
			     |South  |   Name					    
                             |       |   
			     |       |  
			     BBB/Z2 - 2w biome
			     MAA/P87 - 1dm biome
			     135 immigrant; 1 GGSW; mmmmmm; enters from South America; Locust Swarm (orthopteran)
Greenhouse Level: 300 ppm (Most r dentition wins genotype auction ties; Empty slots are land. (if a hex is all marine, animals lacking at least one M may not enter))
Milankovich E cycle next: Africa and Spain separate; Marine biomes in preferred latitude grow.
Milankovich T cycle next: Mountains shrink; All bridges change.
Milankovich P cycle next: Terrestrial biomes with Dry shrink, Terrestrial Biomes in Preferred latitudes grow.


rm (proto-reptile) - Rick Heli - Genes: 19

A: Size: 3; 1-5 S "Rabbit Croc" archetype (Thecodont) N: 81 Head 1-4 N; Infrared Pit Sensor or Blood-Sucking - Nocturnal heat tracking
Sex: 74 Head 1-6 Sex; Mate Selection - Lek Behavior
S: 108 Guts 2-4 S; Unidirectional Flow Lungs (air sacs activated by belling rib bellows)
C: Size: 5; 5-6 BBB Brontosaurs (saurischian sauropod, brachiosaurs, diplodocus) Sex: Sex 1-6 (Heritage)
Sex: 188 Head 1-6 Sex; Trombone Vocal Amplifier (springtime chorus, song or bugling courtship)
D: Size: 1; 1 HPSS Doves (wings, columbiform neornithes, pigeons, dodos) N: N 1-4 (Heritage)
Sex: Sex 1-6 (Heritage)
P: Head 1-6 P; Hibernation (homeostatic)
F: Size: 3; 1-4 AS Ceratosaurs (saurischian theropod; coelophysis, dilophosaurs) N: N 1-4 (Heritage)
Sex: Sex 1-6 (Heritage)
S: 2-4 S (Heritage)
P: Head 1-6 P; Navigation Skills (Genotypes of any size may migrate 2 hexes; Seasonal migration)
mmm (proto-mammal) - Andrew Martin - Genes: 10 E: Size 3; 1-3 NPS Feloids (carnivora, cats) [in archetype slots] S: 106 Limbs 2-5 S; Fused bone - Digitigrade Sprinting
P: 85 Head 1-6 P; Parental Protection of Eggs and Young (K-strategy; Predators of this genotype must be as large as this genotype.)
NI: 83 Head 1-3 NI; Sonar Location (Recesses B and G cards. Not allowed with B or G heritage. Land or sea nocturnal sonic imagining. Or herbivore tympanum sonar detector.)
G: Size 3; 1-3 MP Pinnipeds (carnivora, seals, sea lions, walrus) S: Limbs 2-5 S (Heritage)
P: Head 1-6 P (Heritage)
NI: Head 1-3 NI (Heritage)
mmmmmm (mammal) - Immigrants Y: Size 1 1 HNW Multituberculates (egg-laying mammals) HN: HN Heritage rrrrrr (reptile) - Immigrants X: 2 MMWaa; Sea Turtles (anapsid chelonian) MMAaa: MA Heritage
Current Turn / Top of Page

Activities Log

  • Will use Advanced Rules (Milankovich Cycles, Catastrophes, Biome Migrations, Post-Migration Climax, Immigrants, Huskers, Advanced Victory Conditions (6.8)), Omnivores, Re-entry as Immigrant, Hominids, Balancing Variant.
  • Choose sides.
  • Choosing starting DNA.
  • mmm chooses I.
  • rm chooses S.
  • rm (A) places in biome 94.
  • mmm (B) places in biome 30.
  • Turns:
      Triassic (Mesozoic) - 6 cards
    1. Card is #106 DNA Limbs 2-5 S; auction: r; Fused bone - Digitigrade Sprinting
    2. Card is #146 immigrant; 1 ISW; r; enters from South America; Crocodilian - Sphenosuchian Crocodiles; Genetic Drift (no losses)
    3. Card is #98 DNA Guts 2-6 B; auction: r; Tripod Stance - two legs and reinforced tail
    4. Card is #81 DNA Head 1-4 N; auction: r; Infrared Pit Sensor or Blood-Sucking - Nocturnal heat tracking
    5. Card is #74 DNA Head 1-6 Sex; auction: r; Mate Selection - Lek Behavior (doubles gene acquisition)
    6. Card is #87 biome MAA/P dry Clam and Oyster Beds - mollusk pelecypod [tropical] At the end of the Triassic, the world is dominated, by 10 long-legged anteaters. Two are predated by crocodiles in the Appalachians. Also around are 4 fast, 4-ton, nocturnal reptiles practicing mate selection.

      Jurassic (Mesozoic) - 10 cards
    7. Card is #121 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: P; Mammal: 1-4 BBa Chalicotheres (perissodactyl ungulate); Reptile: 5-6 BBB Brontosaurs (saurischian sauropod, brachiosaurs, diplodocus)
    8. Card is #83 biome BB/a Boreal Spruce Forest (gymnosperm coniferales, pinaceae) [jet stream]
    9. Card is #149 immigrant; 4 BBW; rrrrrr; enters from South America; Melanosaurs (aauropodomorph prosauropod, riojasaur; Genetic Drift (no losses)
    10. Card is #188 DNA Head 1-6 Sex; auction: r; Trombone Vocal Amplifier (springtime chorus, song or bugling courtship, doubles income)
    11. Card is #121 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: T; Mammal: 1-3 H Taeniodonts, Tillodonts (giant, rodent-like); Reptile: 1 HPSS Doves (wings, columbiform neornithes, pigeons, dodos)
    12. Card is #85 DNA Head 1-6 P; auction: m; Parental Protection of Eggs and Young (K-strategy; Predators of this genotype must be as large as this genotype.)
    13. Card is #93 DNA Tail 3-5 Aa; auction: r; Tail Club (swinging)
    14. Card is #76 DNA Head 1 H; auction: m; Gnawing Incisors (ever-growing incisors with diastema and crunching molars)
    15. Card is #143 immigrant; 1 HNW; mmmmmm; enters from Asia; Multituberculates (egg-laying mammals)
    16. Card is #133 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: P; Mammal: 1 IN Shrews, Moles (insectivore); Reptile: 1-3 AGS Ratites (flightless neornithes, struthiornithiformes & gruiformes) For the reptiles, Brontosaurs have appeared and occupy 11 slots. The Rabbit Crocs have converted to predators of them. Also for the reptiles, Doves have appeared and occupy 6 slots. All bridges have closed, isolating North America. The original immigrants remain, as do the mammals, reduced to 7 slots due to losses from Doves and a shrinking biome.

      Cretaceous (Mesozoic) - 13 cards
    17. Card is #122 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: P; Mammal: 1-3 NPS Feloids (carnivora, cats); Reptile: 1-5 NPS Ostrich Dinosaurs (saurischian theropod, oviraptors, ornithominids)
    18. Card is #130 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: T; Mammal: 3-5 BGP Mammoths, Mastodonts (proboscid tethythere, elephantoidea); Reptile: 1-5 Ba Stegosaurs (ornithischian thyraeophora)
    19. Card is #95 DNA Guts 2-5 a; auction: r; Scute Armor (dermal; recesses all S cards – not allowed with S heritage)
    20. Card is #68 biome GG/S Creosote & Sagebrush Chaparral (angiosperm compositae, artemisia) [horse latitude]
    21. Card is #40 CATASTROPHE! Comet Impact - Dinosaur stomper; Greenhouse down. Extinction >3 AaBGHMS; Extinction: >2S; +5 genes
    22. Card is #68 DNA Head 2-4 B; auction: m; Prehensile Trunk
    23. Card is #100 DNA Limbs 1-2 IMSS; auction: r; Wings (flight, not allowed with heritage of a or wings)
    24. Card is #135 immigrant; 1 GGSW; mmmmmm; enters from South America; Locust Swarm (orthopteran) Genetic Drift
    25. Card is #84 DNA Head 1-6 P; auction: m; Hibernation (homeostatic)
    26. Card is #42 CATASTROPHE! Deforestation - Acid Rain; Greenhouse up. Extinction >3 aBI; +5 genes
    27. Card is #14 biome BG/P Pine-Cypress Forest - Climax 64 (mesophytic cupressaceae) [tropical latitude]
    28. Card is #117 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: E; Mammal: 1-2 IIa Pangolins (pholidota); Reptile: 1-3 a Aetosaurs (thecodont)
    29. Card is #46 CATASTROPHE! World-wide Trypanosomiasis Plague - Player with fewest genes removes one genotype; +5 genes SCORING ROUND A: 7 (rm archetype)
      C: 7 (rm Brontosaurs)
      D: 2 (rm Doves)
      E: 6 (mmm Feloids)
      rm: 16; mmm: 6
      Tertiary (Cenozoic) - 11 cards
    30. Card is #108 DNA Guts 2-4 S; auction: r; Unidirectional Flow Lungs (air sacs activated by belling rib bellows)
    31. Card is #83 DNA Head 1-3 NI; auction: m; Sonar Location (Recesses B and G cards. Not allowed with B or G heritage. Land or sea nocturnal sonic imagining. Or herbivore tympanum sonar detector.)
    32. Card is #138 immigrant; 1-4 SAW; m; enters from Asia; Bear-dogs (carnivora; amphicyonids; Genetic Drift (rm loses Aetosaurs)
    33. Card is #123 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: P; Mammal: 1-3 AS Crodonts (primitive carnivores); Reptile: 1-4 AS Ceratosaurs (saurischian theropod; coelophysis, dilophosaurs)
    34. Card is #154 immigrant; 2 MMWaa; rrrrrr; enters from Atlantic; Sea Turtles (anapsid chelonian); Genetic Drift (no losses)
    35. Card is #35 biome X/P Bristlecone Pine Groves - Climax 92 (gymnosperm, pinus; basin & range orogeny) [orogeny]
    36. Card is #89 DNA Head 1-6 P; auction: r; Navigation Skills (Genotypes of any size may migrate 2 hexes; Seasonal migration)
    37. Card is #114 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: T; Mammal: 2-6 MMNPP Dolphins (odontoceti cetacean, toothed whales); Reptile: 1-4 MMN Plesiosaurs (diapsid reptile)
    38. Card is #132 Genotype; Milankovitch Cycle: E; Mammal: 1-3 MP Pinnipeds (carnivora, seals, sea lions, walrus); Reptile: 1-2 IM Toothed Birds (flightless odontornithes)
    39. Card is #72 DNA Head 2-5 a; auction: r; Head Shield (parietosquamosal frill)
    40. Card is #2 biome –I Rainforest - Climax 81 (angiosperm magnoliales - evergreen, broad-leafed, hardwoods) [tropical]
      Quaternary (Cenozoic) - 1 card
    41. Card is #7 biome B/P Mixed Pine Hardwood Forest - Climax 90 (palisade orogeny - pinus) [orogeny]
      • New biome locates in Sierra Madre.
      • mmm receives 1 gene.
      • rm receives 2 genes.
    SCORING ROUND A: 6 (rm archetype)
    C: 6 (rm Brontosaurs)
    D: 3 (rm Doves)
    F: 2 (rm Ceratosaurs)
    E: 6 (mmm Feloids)
    G: 3 (mmm Pinnipeds)
    rm: 17; mmm: 9
    FINAL TOTAL: mmm: 6 + 9 = 15
    rm: 17 + 16 = 33
    rm wins.
    Players / [Top of Page]