On the western edge of Europe, Ivan Hanley really shows us how board games can bring people together. By virtue of the game group he leads, people meet and have a good time over a game when they might never even be in the same room otherwise. A wonderful example for all the world. April 30, 2004
Note: all links cited are repeated at the end of the interview for handy reference.
Q1.Can you share a little bit with the readers by
introducing yourself, in which corner of the world you live, how you like to
spend your time and also how you got started in games?
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I've never really been a television person, but am heavily into hi-fi so I spend a lot of time listening to music. Some people classify my CD collection as wide ranging others describe it as a mad, uncoordinated collection of weirdness. I prefer the latter description because it's closer to the truth. :) If I were to watch a film it would probably be about war because the effect of conflict on the human spirit interests me greatly. My only outdoor hobby involves flying radio control aeroplanes and helicopters and it's nice to get into the countryside and forget about real life for an hour or two.
My love of gaming came with my first Snakes and Ladders set and continued through various phases of board-, role- and wargaming in my teens before returning to board gaming again in my mid-twenties. This return was mainly driven by my loss of interest in other forms of gaming and a need to remove myself from the computer chair after spending every day working around them.
While browsing the rec.games.board newsgroup looking to enhance my Monopoly collection I stumbled upon a discussion about a German game called El Grande. Intrigued I followed the thread for a few days by which time I had learnt about Vino and Mississippi Queen. I immediately ordered them from a shop in England and tried them out on my friends. From that point I was hooked and my collection has steadily grown to its current size of approximately 300 games – I have to continually sell off items to free up space for new arrivals since I've no more room to expand!
Q2. Where do you play your games? In homes? Are there public places to play?
I also meet weekly in a friends home where three of us play
Formula De.
We are
currently in our second season and try to organise the races to closely mirror
the real Formula 1 season.
There is one gaming convention in Belfast each year called Q-Con. It is
organised by members of a local university roleplaying group and has mainly
focused on role-playing games and war games in the past. Last year I organised for Board Gamers
Anonymous to provide free-play gaming and we are to return this year as an
official part of the convention orgainising a
tournament and providing
bookable gaming slots with the aim of promoting our hobby.
I play in a public venue twice a month as part of
Board Gamers Anonymous
where possible, but the club are having venue problems so we've been meeting at the
houses of some members recently. It's becoming a problem to find public places
to play games here in Northern Ireland especially on a Saturday. I've played
games regularly in a LAN gaming centre, an ice rink entrance way, a ten-pin
bowling alley, a games shop, a video rental library and a shopping mall. As we
get settled in a venue it seems to shut down leading some to speculate that
playing host to BGA is a dangerous thing to do :).
Q3. For decades now, your part of the world has tragically been a center of
conflict between Catholics and Protestants, although it seems things have been
getting betters in recent years. Does your BGA group have members from both
It was always my intention to develop a club that crossed the religious
boundaries or, more exactly, that made no distinction, welcoming gamers of all
backgrounds and outlooks. Even small things like the club name had to be
carefully chosen to stay away from anything that might be construed as
political. Therefore we decided on the Board Gamers Anonymous title. The issues
regarding an open and friendly cross-community club meant that the venue had to
be neutral and this made it more difficult to find somewhere suitable. There
are community rooms in Northern Ireland, but many are in areas specific to either
the Protestant or Catholic community. Regardless of the problems and
difficulties mentioned, I am committed to providing a place where members from
both communities can socialise and have fun together.
Q4. So Board Gamers Anonymous means that no one knows anyone else's
Getting back to the choice of name - I really think it's important to get the
club name right because people are traditionally touchy about names and can find
hiden meanings in many ordinary terms. As I've said, anything relating to
Ireland/Northern Ireland/Ulster was felt to be just too 'political' and choosing
Board Gamers Anonymous that provides some insight into the purpose for the club
was a bonus. Looking back, I don't think we could have chosen a better name.
Sort of – it's more than no one cares, but it also means that we are board game
addicts and these two things merge nicely together. I know that people think
the two communities never mixed here, but even during The Troubles they did.
Certainly the peace process has broken down a few barriers (both physically and
metaphorically), but subjects such as one's religion are still taboo and you
certainly wouldn't ask someone what faith they follow in general conversation.
I'm sure this sounds weird, but that's the way things work here.
Q5. How do people in your area acquire the games? Are there shops? Also, are
the instructions translated from German or from English? Is there any kind of
database web site supporting translations?
With regard to translations, we all use
Board Game Geek
to get our English rules
for German editions and of course the Rio Grande etc. games come with English
rules in the box so that's not a problem. :)
There is one local shop and most club members support it with purchases. For
large games orders it makes a lot of sense to buy direct from Germany. We make
such purchases exclusively from Adam Spielt. We also order from a number of UK
online retailers.
Q6. Do you have any ideas how many people in your country are playing new
strategy games? Any idea what the demographics are like? What's the overlap
with RPG, CCG, war games, computer games, video games, comic books, anime? Are
there any special reasons why gaming is popular or not there?
There's really only a few dedicated board game fans who meet as Board Gamers
Anonymous. There is another local club dedicated to
Settlers of Catan
and they
host the Northern Ireland Qualifiers each year. Mainly though it's role-playing game players,
war gam players and
Magic: the Gathering
players who play board games as an aside to their main
interest. I'm not sure why gaming is not popular here, but I suppose board games
are viewed as childish by most people. I do think that exposure to German
gaming is increasing as more people try them out and I hope they will become
more and more popular in the future. I'm doing my bit to make sure people get
the opportunity to give them a go. :)
Q7. What games seem the most popular there? Any games which have found
particular success that may surprise us living elsewhere?
Board Gamers Anonymous' current most popular games include
San Juan,
The Bucket Game
Puerto Rico.
We have such a choice of titles (I'd
guess roughly 1000 games in members' collections) that we tend to play most
games infrequently, but the above selection seem to appear regularly at our table
so take from that what you will :).
Regarding games we like that would surprise you, I suppose we're very enamoured
and it tends to be requested quite a bit. Practically everyone
loves it whereas the opinions I've read from others suggest mixed reactions
within most groups. We have also recently tried Spy
and were plesantly
surprised. It's been getting pretty negative reviews, but after playing it I
added it to my collection. Finally we all enjoy
immensely and its a
game that deserves more play.
Settlers of Catan
is by far the most played German game in Northern Ireland.
The is a club dedicated to it which also runs the yearly regional qualifiers for
the world championships.
Q8. Is anyone designing or publishing games there? Can you give us some
overview of home-grown game publishing?
For instance one local games designer was at the last Essen demoing his new
abstract game called
The first I heard of this was when he sent me
an email two weeks before the show asking if we'd like a demo copy!
For details on the game see
Incidentally I played and enjoyed the game although abstracts are not really my
thing. I think you can download a Flash version from his website if you want to
have a go.
May I say that the timing of this question is excellent because I can now (sort
of exclusively) reveal that Board Gamers Anonymous have a budding 'Reiner
Knizia' within our club. Peter Millen recently brought a prototype German-style
game for testing.
I asked Peter what the motivation was for designing a family game about
hill-walking (a hobby of his) and he explained that there was a serious and
unexplained lack of good games about Ireland. At BGA we are pretty confident
this will buck the trend because it's a good game already and has potential to
be even better since Peter is still modifying and testing it.
Yes, people are designing, but it's not a huge scene as far as I know – we are so
small a place and yet I am continually surprised when I uncover game players and
designers operating on our doorstep that have never heard of us and vice versa.
Q9. What is your impression of the games that have been
set in your country?
Have any of them received special attention or popularity because of it? Are there any kind of
recurring motifs, even stereotypes, in these games on which you would like to
Dail Eireann (pronounced doil air-an) is one of the few meaty games published
about Ireland that does not have an entry on
or on your list – see
(I'm not counting the
Age of Steam
map or other such expansions dealing with the
The game is supposed to be pretty sought after here since it deals with the
Irish electoral system. I came across a recent discussion with the author
somewhere where he was thinking about offering game kits to interested parties,
but again the location of this eludes me.
I've heard rumours of two other games about Ireland, but only in passing so I
can't comment further on what they might have been about. Most of the games on
the BGG list are lighter fare and deal with the pretty stereotypical image of
leprechauns (which is fine, but wouldn't win me over because I associate them
with childhood and thus with children's games). I have heard of the High Kings
of Tara, and earlier in the year BGA was invited to a convention to give it a go,
but unfortunately none of the members could make it due to work/life
commitments. It's abstract and again not really up my street, but I would have
checked it out for the local interest factor.
This is an interesting list as I've never laid eyes on or heard of most of these
Q10. Is there any mass media presence for board games there and what is the
nature of that presence? Is there any mass market advertising for board games?
This lack of understanding of the hobby means that I regularly encounter some
very negative reactions when I mention it. For example, last week I was having a
conversation with someone I'd just met and at one point I mentioned I'd be
getting up early the following morning (Saturday). "Have you got to work?" she
asked. I explained that I'd be going to a board gaming session and from her
reaction you'd have thought I'd sprouted an extra head – and so ended our
conversation :).
Ultimately I think it would be very difficult to pursuade people here that
board games have value for adults and I doubt that any mass media campaign would
change that unless it was conducted over a very long time. Most board gamers in
our group have come through different forms of gaming and actively searched out
new sources for their gaming fix. Here this is the only real way people find
out about our games (and through our demoes and fliers at Board Gamers Anonymous
of course).
No, not outside the mainstream established games like
for those established brands they are only advertised on TV and radio around the
Christmas period. This is because, with a few exceptions like
Trivial Pursuit,
board games are viewed as children's games and really only
bought and played by adults at Christmas (probably after a few sherries).
Q11. What is the societal view of board games and their players?
I remember when I used to role-play that it had a particular image problem.
People had an idea of what a 'role-player' was like and even though such
stereotypes were often wrong, they were difficult to shake off. I find that
people's views on board gamers are often similarly stereotypical. Words like
weirdo, geek and nerd are used frequently and I often encounter the
misconception that we are socially inept. I've had people say things like,
"you're awfully outgoing for one of those gamer types" or, "you're not what I
expected," complete with puzzled expression. I actually don't mind and find
such reactions quite funny. I suppose I like surprising people.
I think I've covered society's view of board games, but I'll talk a little more on
society's view of the players.
Q12. Getting a bit more personal, what makes the games fun and interesting for
you? What are some of your most favorites?
Games keep my interest when they have multiple victory paths and conditions.
This is why
Puerto Rico
stands out as a favourite and likewise
Princes of the Renaissance.
I really like
as well. There is something great about the
way it looks and I suppose I like nice bits in my games too. However, with
I enjoy the spatial aspects of it and while I don't enjoy pure abstract
games I appreciate it and games like
Through the Desert
partly because they have a theme.
With a theme I can let my imagination work on it and this really makes a big
difference to how I react to any given title. I suppose this is pretty weird
but I'm a weird kind of guy :).
I have to admit that the social side of gaming plays a fairly large part in my
enjoyment of these games. I like the table talk and the group think. I also
enjoy the length of the games because I can play, lose and move on to something
else fairly quickly. I dislike elimination games intensely and feel that they
suck the fun out of any playing experience. I like to play games, not sit and
watch others play so I don't like
for example even though it is otherwise a
great game.
Q13. What's your favorite game that few, or at least few around you, seem to like?
At the moment my favourite game that few people I know like is
it's not the most original nor is it particularly consistent – rather it feels like
two separate games pasted together – but the subtleties of card and resource
management really appeal.
Q14. Do you have a favorite type or type that you are best at, e.g. abstract, auction, bluff, business, tile placement, etc.?
My favourite type of game has to be auction games. I love
Pizarro & Co.
Modern Art
which are the purist's auction titles, but anything with an element of
bidding, like
Princes of Florence,
will always be high on my top 10 list.
Q15. What about your own involvement in games industry? Have you had any
participation there?
Thanks for speaking with us, Ivan!
Other than reviewing a demo game or two through BGA, and writing an occasional
article for Counter magazine, I am not involved in the games industry in any
way. I'm uncertain if I'd ever become involved, given the opportunity, because
when I last mixed my hobby with work (going into the I.T. industry) it lost its
fun and excitement. Familarity breeds contempt so it is said and in my
experience this mostly rings true. I love the freshness and variety of the
games we play, but if I was involved with them every day I think they'd soon lose
some of their sparkle. So you can have it from me on good authority that I
won't be opening up a games shop or starting up a board game publishing business,
but I have nothing, but respect for those people who do.
Ivan's interview has been one of the most popular here and his efforts with BGA one of the noblest I've ever encountered. It's not only sad, but unfortunate for the world that we have lost him so soon.
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