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Duplicate Double Solitaire
American Megafauna

1 June 2008
The board game of dinosaurs and evolution by Sierra Madre Games
Pbem Playback of the Edition II Solitaire Game

Andrew and I decided to try a new way of playing American Megafauna. The method is to both play the special solitaire scenario, but to play it starting with the same map and the same starting creature. Our maps are our own and any changes we make to it by Milankovitch Cycle changes ours alone, but we draw the same card each turn. It's not long before different decisions are made and each player tries to endure under different conditions. The below is a full accounting of the results of our game.

This idea might be useful for classroom or convention situations where you could have 30 or 40 people playing at once. This would be particularly true if the Milankovitch Cycle rules were omitted, thereby preventing the variations caused by the players altering the map. This is not a major loss and the advantage would be that then everyone could use the same map which could be displayed via an overhead projector. Players could each track their personal settings on paper.

Players · Turns

Andrew board Rick
Cordilleran Ice-Sheet
Oak & Beech Woodland
Larch Forest
aa predator (size 2)
bb herbivore (BBGGIP, size 2)
Bristlecone Pine Groves
Immigrant predator Terror Birds 1-4 ASS
c herbivore (BGHI, size 2)
Clam and Oyster Beds


Andrew Milankovich Cycles Rick
Extinct E: Bloom.

T: Erosion, Earth Drier

P: Land Wetter

mmrrr (proto-mammal)
a: Size: 2; 1-6 "Two Tusker" archetype (Dicynodont) Head Slot 1: Sex 1-6
b: Size: 2; Tylopods 1-3 BGP Inherited: 1-6 Sex
Inherited: Anteater Tongue 1-2 I
Inherited: Cecum Hindgut Digestion 2-5 BG
c: Size: 2; Hyraxes 1-2 H Inherited: 1-6 Sex
Head Slot: Anteater Tongue 1-2 I
Guts Slot: Cecum Hindgut Digestion 2-5 BG
Unexpressed DNA:
Guts MM 2-6
Head BG, 1-6
Limbs SS, 2-6 (incompatible with M)
Limbs #100 Wings 1-2 IMSS.
Head Food Storage 1-2 P
Limbs Spines or Malodorous Spray 1 aa

Andrew cards Rick
Receives 5 genes.
A is the mmrrr archetype.
Starts in biome 18 (position V).
  • Will use Advanced Rules (Milankovich Cycles, Catastrophes, Immigrants, Huskers, Advanced Victory Conditions (6.8)), Hominids.
  • Initial biomes are, top to bottom:
    1. None/S Fern Understory
    2. None/P Ginkgo Woodland
    3. None/I Spanish Plate
    4. None/I Cloud Forest
    5. None/Size Lycopod Meadow
Receives 5 genes.
a is the mmrrr archetype.
Starts in biome 94 (position IV).
  1. A grows to size 2. Adds an A in V. Moves 1 A to IV. Pop=2. Genes=10.
  2. Buys Sex for 3. A grows to size 3. Adds an A in IV, V. Moves 1 A to II, 1 A to III. Pop=4. Genes=7.
  3. Receives 10g. Grows to size 4. Adds an A in II-V. Relocates so as to have 2a in each of I-IV. Pop=8. Genes=17.
  4. Buys G, but does not express. Grows to size 4. Pop=8. Genes=14.
  5. Expresses G. Pop=8. Genes=16.
  6. Pop=8. Genes=16.
Triassic (Mesozoic) - 6 cards
  1. Card is Catastrophe #40 Comet Impact - Dinosaur Stomper. Extinction: > 3 AaBGHMS. Extinction: > 2 S. Both players receive 5g. I covered with Ice.
  2. Card is DNA Head #188 Sex - Trombone Vocal Amplifier.
  3. Card is Catastrophe #42 Acid Rain Deforestation. Extinction: > 3 aBI. Greenhouse up. Ice replaced by Fern Understory in I. Lycopod Meadow replaced by Primitive Ray-fin Fish in V.
  4. Card is DNA Guts #52 Gizzard Stone Foregut Digestion.
  5. Card is Biome #21 Grama Grass Prairie GG/S, H/S. Replaces Primitive Ray-fin Fish in V.
  6. Card is Immigrant #138 Velociraptors 1-4 ASW r from Asia. Genetic Drift: no effect. Locate as predators in I.
  1. a grows to size 2. Adds an a in IV. Moves 1 a to III. Pop=2. Genes=10.
  2. Buys Sex for 3. a grows to size 3. Adds an a in III, IV. Moves 1 a from III to II and 1 a from IV to V. Pop=4. Genes=7.
  3. Receives 10g. Adds an a in II-V. Relocates so as to have 2a in each of in each of I-IV. Pop=8. Genes=17.
  4. Buys G, and expresses. Pop=8. Genes=14.
  5. Pop=8. Genes=16.
  6. Pop=8. Genes=16.
  1. A grows to size 5. Lagosuchids disappear. Pop=8. Genes=16.
  2. Lose AA in IV. Pop=6. Genes=16.
  3. Lose AA in III. Pop=4. Genes=18.
  4. Pop=4. Genes=18.
  5. Buy Cheeks, Palate and Tongue BG. Pop=4. Genes=15.
  6. Lose AA in II. Pop=2. Genes=17.
  7. Pop=2. Genes=19.
  8. Lagosuchid immigrants and Labyrinthodont immigrants in IV extinct. Pop=2. Genes=21.
  9. Buys Mesonychids, but does not express. A changes to size 4. Pop=2. Genes=18.
  10. Buys Unguligrade Hoof, expresses on A. A changes to size 3. Predator Immigrant Velociraptors extinct. Pop=2. Genes=15.
Jurassic (Mesozoic) - 10 cards
  1. Card is Immigrant #147 Lagosuchids 1-2 SW r from South America. Genetic Drift: no effect. Locate as predators in IV.
  2. Card is Immigrant #150 Labyrinthodonts 2 MW rrrrrr from South America. Genetic Drift: no effect. Convert W to I. Locate as herbivores in IV.
  3. Card is Biome #22 Giant Myriapods I/N. Replaces Spanish Plate in III.
  4. Card is DNA Head #73 Sex 1-5 - Head Butting.
  5. Card is DNA Head #69 Cheeks, Palate and Tongue BG 1-6.
  6. Card is Biome #159 Coelacanth Lobe-fin Fish MM/P. Replaces Ginkgo Woodland in II.
  7. Card is Biome #181 Lampshell Beds MAA/P. Climax of 32 is too low. Dead on arrival.
  8. Card is Biome #35 Bristlecone Pine Groves H/P. Replaces Cloud Forest in IV.
  9. Card is Genotype #125 Mesonychids 1-3 AA (E cycle).
  10. Card is DNA Limbs #110 Unguligrade Hoof 2-4 SS. (Recesses all M cards. Not playable with M heritage.)
  1. Pop=8. Genes=16.
  2. Lose aa in IV. Pop=6. Genes=16.
  3. Lose aa in III. Pop=4. Genes=18.
  4. Pop=4. Genes=18.
  5. Buy Cheeks, Palate and Tongue BG. Pop=4. Genes=15.
  6. Lose aa in II. Pop=2. Genes=17.
  7. Pop=2. Genes=19.
  8. Lagosuchid immigrants and Labyrinthodont immigrants in IV extinct. Pop=2. Genes=21.
  9. Buys Mesonychids and expresses. 1 b appears in I. Biome in V grows by 1. Pop=2. Genes=18.
  10. Buys Unguligrade Hoof, expresses on a. Predator Immigrant Velociraptors extinct. Pop=2. Genes=15.
  1. Buys Tube Nose Adaptation to Drink Saltwater, but does not express. Expresses Mesonychids. 1 B appears in I. Biome in V grows by 1. B becomes a predator. A expands by 1, B expands by 1. Pop=4. Genes=12.
  2. Genetic Drift: Tube Nose lost. Pop=4. Genes=12.
  3. Recesses G and BG. Pop=4. Genes=22.
  4. Genetic drift: Guts Slot 1: G, 2-6, Guts Expresses BG on A. Pop=4. Genes=22.
  5. Buys Cecum Hindgut Digestion, does not express. Pop=4. Genes=19.
  6. Buys Genotype Hyraxes 1-2 H (P cycle), but does not express. Pop=4. Genes=16.
  7. Does not buy Creodonts. They become 1-4 AS Ceratosaur rrrr immigrants which are unable to survive. Pop=4. Genes=16.
  8. Buys Anteater Tongue, but does not express. Pop=4. Genes=16.
  9. Buys Genotype #114 MMNPP Dolphins (T cycle). Expresses as C, a spinoff from B at size 3. SS is incompatible and not inherited. T cycle has no effect. Migrate to biome II as herbivores. Pop=6. Genes=13.
  10. Does not buy genotype. Card locates as an immigrant Gaa in I, but does not survive. Pop=6. Genes=13.
  11. Discards DNA Guts #49 Cecum Hindgut Digestion 2-5 BG. Pop=6. Genes=13.
  12. Earns 2 genes. Pop=6. Genes=15.
Cretaceous (Mesozoic) - 13 cards
  1. Card is DNA Guts #54 Tube Nose Adaptation to Drink Saltwater 2-6 MM. (Recesses B, G and limb cards. Not allowed with B or G heritage.)
  2. Card is Immigrant #151 Sebecid Crocodiles 1-4 AW r from South America.
  3. Card is Catastrophe #41 Change in Earth's Albedo. Greenhouse up. Orogeny biomes down 1. Biome in V replaced with Biome in IV shrinks. Grama Grass Prairie replaced by Primitive Ray-fin Fish in V.
  4. Card is Immigrant #157 Rays 2 AAMMW mmmmmm from Atlantic. Locate in V as herbivores.
  5. Card is DNA Guts #49 Cecum Hindgut Digestion 2-5 BG.
  6. Card is Genotype #115 Hyraxes 1-2 H (P cycle).
  7. Card is Genotype #123 Creodonts 1-3 AS (P cycle).
  8. Card is DNA Head #79 Anteater Tongue 1-2 I.
  9. Card is Genotype #114 Dolphins 2-6 MMNPP (T cycle).
  10. Card is Genotype #131 Xenartha 1-5 Iaa (P cycle).
  11. Card is Genotype #112 Rodents 1 AHNP (P cycle).
  12. Card is Immigrant #155 Mogasaurs 1-3 AAMMW (predator). Genetic Drift. Locates in biome II as predator.
  13. Card is Biome #15 Maple Hackberry Woodland BG/P. Replaces Primitive Ray-fin Fish in V. Herbivore Immigrant Rays 2 AAMM extinct.
  1. Buys Tube Nose Adaptation to Drink Saltwater; expresses on a, which automatically recesses BG, G and SS on a and BG and G on b. Then express BG, G and SS on b. a expands by 1, b expands by 1. Two a's move to II. Velociraptors extinct. Pop=4. Genes=12.
  2. Pop=4. Genes=12.
  3. Pop=4. Genes=22.
  4. Pop=4. Genes=22.
  5. Buys Cecum Hindgut Digestion, does not express. Pop=4. Genes=19.
  6. Buys Genotype Hyraxes 1-2 H (P cycle), but does not express. a changes size to 2. Pop=4. Genes=16.
  7. Buys Genotype Creodonts 1-3 AS (P cycle).
    Expresses genotype Hyraxes as c as a development of a.
    No effect from Milankovich cycle P.
    Expresses genotype Creodonts as d as a development of b.
    No effect from Milankovich cycle P.
    a converts to predator and a predates c.
    d converts to predator and d predates b.
    Pop=8. Genes=13.
  8. Buys Anteater Tongue, expresses on c. Recesses MM from a which also affects c. Two a and two c move to biome III where a continues to predate c. Pop=8. Genes=10.
  9. Does not buy genotype. Card locates as an immigrant MMN Plesiosaurs in II. Pop=8. Genes=10.
  10. Does not buy genotype. Card locates as an immigrant Gaa in I, but does not survive. Recess G and BG. Pop=8. Genes=10.
  11. Does not buy genotype. Card locates as an immigrant HISS in I, but does not survive. Play BG on c. Move one a and one c into biome IV. Pop=8. Genes=10.
  12. Discard G card. Move one a and one c into biome V. Pop=8. Genes=10.
  13. Earns 2 genes. Pop=8. Genes=12.
  1. Earns 10 genes. All of A, B and C extinct due to inability to survive in current biomes or reach a survivable one. Pop=0. Genes=22.
Tertiary (Cenozoic) - 11 cards
  1. Card is Catastrophe #45 Deccan Traps. Greenhouse is down. Fern Understory biome in I replaced by Cordilleran Ice Sheet. Coelacanth Lobe-fin Fish biome in II eliminated. Mogasaur and Plesiosaur immigrants in II eliminated.
  2. Card is Biome #3 Oak and Beach Woodland A/P. Appears in vacant slot II.
  3. Card is DNA Limbs #100 Wings 1-2 IMSS.
  4. Card is Biome #1 Dry Season Rainforest None/I. Replaces Giant Myriapods I/N in III.
  5. Card is DNA Head #87 Food Storage 1-2 P.
  6. Card is DNA Guts #56 Blubber 3-6 P.
  7. Card is Biome #12 Larch Forest BBG/P. Replaces Dry Season Rainforest in III.
  8. Card is Genotype #127 Tylopods 1-3 BGP (P cycle).
  9. Card is Biome #27 Clam and Oyster Beds MAA/P. Replaces Maple Hackberry Woodland in V.
  10. Card is DNA Guts #58 Sail Back 3-4 P.
  11. Card is DNA Limbs #96 Spines or Malodorous Spray 1 aa.
  1. Earns 10 genes. Recesses SS, 2-6, Limbs (incompatible with M). Population of a and c grows to 3 in V. All of b and d extinct due to inability to survive in current biomes or reach a survivable one. Pop=12. Genes=22.
  2. Earns 2 genes. Pop=12. Genes=24.
  3. Buys Wings, but does not express. Pop=12. Genes=21.
  4. Earns 2 genes. Pop=12. Genes=23.
  5. Buys DNA Head #87 Food Storage 1-2 P, but does not play. Pop=12. Genes=20.
  6. Pop=12. Genes=20.
  7. Earns 2 genes. Two a and two c eliminated in III. Pop=8. Genes=22.
  8. Buys Genotype #127 Tylopods 1-3 BGP (P cycle). Spins off Tylopods as b from c. No effect from Milankovich cycle P. Two b appear in biome III and two a predators follow. Pop=12. Genes=19.
  9. Earns 2 genes. Three a and three c in V eliminated. Pop=6. Genes=21.
  10. Pop=6. Genes=21.
  11. Buys DNA Limbs #96 Spines or Malodorous Spray 1 aa, but does not express. Pop=6. Genes=18.
  Quaternary (Cenozoic) - 1 card
  1. Card is Predator Terror Birds 1-4 ASSW from South America. Genetic drift. Locate in IV and predate c.
  1. Discards Head BG, 1-6. Loses one a to immigrant in IV. Pop=5. Genes=18.
