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Military Games
Italia Turn By Turn Summary
Wed Jan 7 22:50:59 UTC 2009
Italia: Scenario II summary
Turn 1:
- In Noricum: 16 Visigoth inf, leader, campaign with
4 gold (yellow).
May move to/through Alpes.
Removes down to 6 inf at end of turn.
At any time in game,
5 vp for killing Stilicho;
4 vp for raiding Roma first time;
2 vp or 4 gold for subsequent;
2 vp per successful city pillage or raid;
half vp per W. Roman legion;
half vp per unit leaving game via Alpes.
- In Aures: 10 Vandal inf, leader (green).
At any time in game,
5 vp for raiding Roma first time;
2 vp or 4 gold for subsequent; 3 vp for killing any leader;
2 vp for successful city pillage or raid;
half vp per other unit eliminated.
- Western Romans:
At any time in game,
3 vp for last Visigoth unit;
3 vp for Bonifatius, Attila, Alarich;
1 vp per each independent Foederati, Vandal, African Roman;
half vp per Ostrogoth, Visigoth, Hun.
- African Romans:
At any time in game,
3 vp for Geiserich;
2 vp per Western Roman or Berber;
half vp per Vandal.
Income is halved when controlling nothing in Africa.
- Berbers:
At any time in game,
3 vp for successful city pillage or raid;
3 vp for Geiserich;
1 vp per enemy unit.
Treat Aures as a standard area and can retreat there,
even if attacker came from there.
- Sardes:
At any time in game,
3 vp for enemy leader;
2 vp for successful city pillage or raid;
1 vp per other unit eliminated.
May not build cities in Corsica, Olbia or Carales.
Turn 2:
- Visigoth: 1 vp per north Italy area (purple bordered).
- In or adjacent to Africa: 9 Vandal inf, 3 fleet,
leader (green).
1 vp for Carales, Olbia, Corsica, Lilybaeum, Agrigentum,
Syracusae, Messana, all of North Africa and any city.
Half vp for mainland Italia areas.
4 point bonus if all of Africa (save Aures) controlled.
- In Helvetia, 9 Hun inf, leader (blue).
Campaign with 4 gold.
At any time in game,
5 vp for successful raid of Roma;
3 vp for Aetius;
3 vp for Geiserich;
3 vp per successful city pillage or raid;
1.5 vp per W. Roman legion;
1 vp per unit entering Noricum.
Leader and gold lost at end of turn. Units become
independent Foederati (green).
- In Noricum, 5 Foederati inf (green).
2 vp per city;
0.5 vp per area.
Combat at -1 if do not control Ravenna or Odoaker
- Western Romans:
Leader in any controlled area on campaign; removed at
end of turn. Receives
4 vp for Mediolanum, Ravenna, Roma, Africa;
2 vp for other cities;
1 vp for Carales, Olbia, Corsica, Lilybaeum, Agrigentum,
Syracusae, Messana;
-1 per ruin on mainland Italia.
- African Romans:
3 vp for cities of Syracusae, Messana, Africa;
1 vp per Corsica, Olbia, Carales, area in Sicily or in Africa;
1 vp per other city;
half vp per other area.
- In Aures, 5 Berber inf. (red).
At end of turn,
4 vp per city in Africa;
1 vp per area.
- Sardes:
1 vp per Corsica, Olbia Carales;
half vp per each other area.
Turn 3:
- Visigoth: 1 vp per north Italy area (purple bordered).
Convert to Ostrogoths at end of turn and lose all gold.
- In Noricum, 9 Foederati inf, leader (green).
Major invasion.
5 vp for controlling all North Italy (empties excepted);
3 vp for Roma;
1 vp per other city;
0.5 vp per area.
- Western Romans:
3 vp per north Italy city (purple bordered).
- In Aures, 3 Berber inf. (red).
Turn 4:
- In Noricum, Foederati leader does not die (green).
- In Illyricum, 3 Avar inf (blue).
At any time in game,
3 vp per successful city pillage or raid;
1 vp per elimination.
- In Noricum, 19 Ostrogoth inf, leader (yellow).
Major invasion with +1 movement and +1 combat in part 1.
5 vp for controlling North Italy (empties excepted)
-1 for such areas owned by others;
3 vp per Ravenna, Rome;
1 vp per other city.
At any time in game,
3 vp per leader; 3 vp for last Foederati.
At any time during own turn,
1 vp per Frank, Byzantine;
Turn 5:
- Vandals: same objectives as in turn 2
- Foederati:
3 vp for Roma;
2 vp per other city;
1 vp per area.
- Avars:
3 vp per Verona, Venetia, Ravenna;
1 vp per area.
- Ostrogoths:
2 vp per Ravenna, Rome, Pavia, Mediolanum;
1 vp per other city;
half vp per area.
- In Alpes, 5 Frankish inf, leader (red).
In Noricum, 3 inf.
At any time in own turn,
3 vp per leader.
3 vp for Pavia;
3 vp per successful city pillage or raid;
1 vp per other city;
1 vp per area.
- Western Romans:
3 vp for Ravenna, Roma;
2 vp per other areas;
1 vp per other cities.
Then become Patrimonium, losing all gold.
- In Roma, 3 Patrimonium inf (red), forcing others to
retreat out.
Must submit to anyone if it controls < 5 areas or
Roma is attacked. Lasts until end of next game turn.
At any time in own turn,
2 vp per Arab;
1 vp per Lombard, Byzantine.
- African Romans:
3 vp per African area;
2 vp per city;
1 vp per other area.
- In Mare Siculum, 24 Byzantine inf, leader, 6 fleets (blue).
Major invasion.
At any time in own turn,
5 vp for last Ostrogoth;
3 vp for last Vandal;
3 vp per leader;
half vp per Lombard, Frank.
At any time in game,
half vp per Arab, Berber.
3 vp for Mediolanum, Roma, Ravenna;
2 vp for Liguria, Apulia, Neapolis, Pavia, Africa;
1 vp per other city.
- In Aures, 5 Berber inf, leader (red).
At end of turn,
3 vp per city in Africa;
1 vp per area.
- Sardes: 1 vp per Corsica, Olbia Carales. Half vp
per each other area.
Turn 6:
- In Ostrogoth and/or empty areas,
1 Ostrogoth knight, 2 inf, leader (yellow).
- Patrimonium:
3 vp for Roma;
2 vp per other city;
1 vp per Ravenna, Picenum, Corfinium, Perusia, Umbria,
Florentia, Etruria, Pisae.
- African Romans:
2 vp per city;
1 vp per area.
Become Byzantine at end of turn, losing all gold.
- In Noricum, 6 Lombard inf (yellow).
- In Alpes, 5 Burgundy inf (blue).
At any time in own turn,
3 vp per successful city pillage or raid;
1 vp per enemy.
3 vp for Pavia;
1 vp per other city;
1 vp per other area.
- In Noricum, 7-12 Byzantine inf, leader (blue).
Campaign with 6 gold.
1 vp per city.
Turn 7:
- In Helvetia, 5 Frankish inf (red).
- In Noricum, 17 Lombard inf, 2 leaders (yellow).
Major invasion with +1 movement and +1 combat in part 1.
7 vp for North Italy (submissions, empties excepted),
-1 per such area controlled by others;
2 vp per Pavia, Ravenna;
1 vp per other city.
- In Tripolitana, 9 Arab inf (green).
In Mare Libycum, 2 fleets. Units there retreat.
At any time in own turn,
3 vp per leader;
1 vp per Byzantine inf.
Turn 8:
- Vandals: 3 vp per city. Half vp per area.
- Foederati:
1 vp per area.
- In Illyricum, 2 Avar inf (blue).
3 vp per Verona, Venetia, Ravenna;
1 vp per area.
- Ostrogoths:
2 vp per city;
1 vp per area.
Removed at end of turn.
- In Helvetia, 3 Frankish inf (red).
3 vp for Pavia;
3 vp per successful city pillage or raid;
1 vp per other city;
1 vp per area.
- Patrimonium:
3 vp for Roma;
2 vp per other city;
1 vp per Ravenna, Picenum, Corfinium, Perusia, Umbria,
Florentia, Etruria, Pisae.
- In Aures, 4 Berber inf, leader (red).
At end of turn,
5 vp for control of all of Africa (except empty areas);
2 vp for city of Africa;
1 vp per area.
- Sardes: 1 vp per Corsica, Olbia Carales. Half vp
per each other area.
- In any controlled area, 1 Lombard knight, leader (yellow).
7 vp for North Italy (submissions, empties excepted),
-1 per such area controlled by others;
2 vp per Pavia, Ravenna;
1 vp per area in South Italy;
-1 per such area controlled by others;
1 vp per other city.
- In Alpes, 3 Burgundy inf (blue).
3 vp for Pavia;
1 vp per other city;
1 vp per other area.
- Byzantines:
4 vp per Ravenna, Africa, Pavia;
4 vp for entire Sicily;
1 vp per other city;
1 vp per area.
- In Tripolitana, 11 Arab inf, leader (green).
Major invasion.
1 vp per city;
1 vp per area.
Turn 9:
- In Helvetia or Alpes, 5 Frankish inf (red).
- In Aures, 2 Berber inf (red).
- Lombards:
7 vp for North Italy (submissions, empties excepted),
-1 per such area controlled by others;
Turn 10:
- Vandals: 3 vp per city. Half vp per area.
- Foederati:
1 vp per area.
- In Illyricum, 2 Avar inf (blue).
3 vp per Verona, Venetia, Ravenna;
1 vp per area.
- In Alpes, 10 Frankish inf., 2 knights, leader (red).
Campaign with 6 gold.
5 vp for last Lombard;
5 vp for becoming Emperor (control Pavia and two other
cities, then enter Roma with leader without needing to fight);
3 vp for Pavia;
1 vp per other city;
1 vp per area.
- Patrimonium:
3 vp for Roma;
2 vp per other city;
1 vp per Ravenna, Picenum, Corfinium, Perusia, Umbria,
Florentia, Etruria, Pisae.
- In Aures, 2 Berber inf (red).
3 vp for city of Africa;
1 vp per area.
- Sardes: 1 vp per Corsica, Olbia Carales. Half vp
per each other area.
- Lombards:
3 vp per Pavia, Ravenna, Perusia;
3 vp if Franks not Emperor;
1 vp per other city;
half vp per other area.
- In Alpes, 2 Burgundy inf (blue).
3 vp for Pavia;
1 vp per other city;
1 vp per other area.
- Byzantines:
1 vp per area south of Roma;
1 vp per Corfinium, Umbria, each area in Sicily;
1 vp per other city.
- In any controlled area, 4 Arab inf, leader (green).
3 vp for all of Sicily;
-3 if all of North Africa not controlled (Aures,
empties excepted);
1 vp per city;
1 vp per area in South Italy, Olbia, Corsica, Carales.