American Megafauna
Pbem Playback of the Board Game by Sierra Madre

Sequence of Play / Analysis / Errata / Playback 2


Final Map:
-----------------               -----------------
|               |               |               |   [predator line]
|               |               |               |   [herbivore line]
|               |               |               |   
|         GG/Z52|               |               |   ARCTIC (dry)
|         1d    |               |               |
|               |               |               |   
|      hi       |               |      hi       |   
        |               |               |               |   [predator line]
        |               |               |               |   [herbivore line]
        |               |               |               |
        |               |    X/X92      |               |   JET STREAM (wet)
        |               |    4i         |               |
        |               |               |               |   
        |      hi       |      lo       |      lo       |   
|               |               |         C     |   [predator line]
|               |               |         B     |   [herbivore line]
|               |               |               |   
|    X/X93      |    X/X91      |         --/I94|   HORSE (dry)
|    4i         |    4i         |         1no   |
|               |               |               |   
|      hi       |      lo       |      hi       |   
        |   CC        EE|               |   [predator line]
        |   BB        GG|               |   [herbivore line]
        |               |               |   
        |B/P96    --/S44|               |   TROPICAL (wet)
        |2Hno     2     |               |
        |               |               |   
        |      hi       |      lo       |            Atlantic Ocean:
        ---------------------------------                MM/Z70
                |               |                        2cm
                |   HH          |                        MA/M38
                |               |                        3wm
                |I/S56          |   TROPICAL (wet)       MAA/N54
                |2              |                        3wm 
                |               |                        ZZZ
                |      hi       |                        MAA/P32
                -----------------                        3cm
		               	    South America:
Greenhouse Level: Game Over, Earth frozen (down three -- m dentition wins ties)
Milankovich E cycle next: dry and warm up, wet and cold down
Milankovich T cycle next: orogeny and marine down (was seasonal and marine up)
Milankovich P cycle next: dry up, wet down (was wet up, dry down)


-- = No biome requirement
H = Mast
Z = Size niche
c = cold biome characteristic
d = dry biome characteristic
e = wet biome characteristic
i = ice biome
m = marine biome
n = this biome does not migrate
o = orogeny biome
s = seasonal
w = warm biome characteristic
* = this biome has a special migration rule

Current Turn / [Top of Page]


rrrr (reptile) - Tom Kassel - Genes: 16

A: Size: 4; 1-6 "Crimson Croc" archetype (Thecodont) MA: MA Heritage
G: Size: 3; 1-3 Thecodont Rauisuchians poposaurs (115) S: S Heritage
Ba: 2 BIa; 3-5 Ba; Limbs; Bipedal or Tripodal with defensive Thumb Spike (99)
H: Size: 2; 1-3 Thecodont Phytosaurs (116) Ma: Ma Heritage
BIa: 2 BIa; 3-5 Ba; Limbs; Bipedal or Tripodal with defensive Thumb Spike (inherited from G)
mmrrr (mammal) - Togu Oppusunggu - Genes: 18 B: Size: 4; 1-6 "Two Tusker" archetype (Therapsid) G: G Heritage
BM: 1-4 BM, 5 BB, 6 BBB; Guts; incompatible with S; Long Swan Neck
Recessed: 1-3 W; Limbs; Tool Use opposable thumb (requires "biped", "forebrain", "tripod", "thumb spike" or "trunk" to express) (66)
rm (reptile) - Dave Arlington - Genes: 14 C: Size: 4; 1-6 "Rabbit Croc" archetype (Thecodont) S: S Heritage
P: 1-6 P; Head; Intraspecies communication (Predators of this genotype cannot be smaller than this genotype.) (86)

E: Size: 2; 1-2 Seabirds, Birds of Prey (Circoniiformes neornithes) AMSS (wings): AMSS (wings) Heritage
mmm (mammal) - Rick Heli - Genes: 19 mmmmmm (mammal) - Immigrants Z: Size 2 marine reptile placodonts AAM: AAMW Heritage

Current Turn / [Top of Page]

Activities Log

  • Will use Advanced Rules (Milankovich Cycles, Catastrophes, Biome Migrations, Post-Migration Climax, Immigrants, Huskers, Advanced Victory Conditions (6.8)), Omnivores, Re-entry as Immigrant, Hominids, Experimental Specialized Start.
  • Choose sides.
  • Choosing starting DNA.
  • mmm chooses PS.
  • mmrrr chooses G.
  • rm chooses S.
  • rrrr chooses MA.
  • rrrr places in biome 08.
  • mmrrr places in biome 18.
  • rm places in biome 94.
  • mmm places in biome 30.
  • Turns:
    1. Card is #134 genotype; T-cycle; Reptile: Seabirds, Birds of Prey (Circoniiformes neornithes); 1-2 AMSS; Mammal: Primates, Monkeys, Apes (Anthropoidea); 1-2PPW
    2. Card is #24 biome II wet termite A-42 [tropical]
    3. Card is #22 biome I giant arthropods N-36 [tropical]
    4. Card is #28 biome MM cold plankton upwell size-70 [marine JS lowland]
    5. Card is #70 DNA Guts 1-4 BM, 5 BB, 6 BBB; auction: r; incompatible with S; Long Swan Neck, 4-chambered heart to pump blood to brain
    6. Card is #19 biome GG-H; dry; creosote, sagebrush chaparral, angiosperm compositae artemisia S-68 [horse]
    7. Card is #57 DNA Guts 1-6 PP; auction m; Thermoregulation, panting or sweat glands
    8. Card is #153 immigrant; 2AAMW; mmmmmm; marine only; marine reptile placodonts
    9. Card is #115 genotype; P-cycle; Reptile: Thecodont Rauisuchians poposaurs 1-3 S; Mammal: Hyracoidea hyraxes 1-2 H
    10. Card is #37 catastrophe; Ocean absorption of CO2 rises. Land Bridge disrupts oceans; +5 genes; First, Bridge opens if flooded, floods if open. Mesozoic: Bridge is Panama; Cenozoic: Bridge is Beringia; Either Era: Spain bridge floods. Then, Greenhouse down one.
    11. Card is #86 DNA Head 1-6 P; auction r; Intraspecies communication (Predators of this genotype cannot be smaller than this genotype.)
    12. Card is #124 genotype; T-cycle; Reptile: Deinonychosaur (Saurischian theropod, dromaeosaurs, troodonts) 1-2 APSS; Mammal: Canoids (Carnivora, dogs, bears, bear-dogs) 1-3 APS
    13. Card is #64 DNA Head 1-4 A; 5 AA; auction mammals; Coronoid Lower Jaw Process (High bite pressure, lowered jaw joint, enlarged synapsid skull opening)
    14. Card is #66 DNA Limbs 1-3 W; auction reptiles; Tool Use opposable thumb (requires "biped", "forebrain", "tripod", "thumb spike" or "trunk" to express)
    15. Card is #97 DNA Limbs 1-3 aa; auction reptiles; Plate Armor (Recesses all M or S cards. Not allowed with M or S heritage.)
    16. Card is #23 biome I; butterfly and beetle pollinators, insecta arthropods, lepidoptera, coleoptera S-56 [any highland]
    17. Card is #99 DNA Limbs 2 BIa; 3-5 Ba; auction reptiles; Bipedal or Tripodal with defensive Thumb Spike
    18. Card is #7 biome B-H; Palisades Orogeny mixed pine hardwood forest P-96 [orogeny]
    19. Card is #116 genotype; T-cycle; Reptile: Thecodont Phytosaurs 1-3 Ma; Mammal: Lagomorphs (Glires, Rabbits) 1 GSS
    20. Card is #39 catastrophe; Sun Dims (sunspot cycle minimum); +5 genes; Greenhouse down one.
    21. Card is #38 catastrophe; Earth enters Milky Way dust cloud (Global rain scrubs CO2); +5 genes; Greenhouse down one.
    Final standings: B: 3 (mmrrr BGM "Two Tusker" archetype (Therapsid))
    C: 3 (rm PS "Rabbit Croc" archetype (Thecodont))
    E: 2 (rm AMSS Seabirds, Birds of Prey (Circoniiformes neornithes))
    G: 2 (rrrr BSa Thecodont Rauisuchians poposaurs)
    H: 2 (rrrr BIMaa Thecodont Phytosaurs)
    rm wins!
    December 20, 1999

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    Please forward any comments and additions to this WWW-page to Rick Heli