American Megafauna
Pbem Playback of the Board Game by Sierra Madre
Sequence of Play /
Analysis /
Errata /
Playback 2
Final Map:
----------------- -----------------
| | | | [predator line]
| | | | [herbivore line]
| | | |
| GG/Z52| | | ARCTIC (dry)
| 1d | | |
| | | |
| hi | | hi |
| | | | [predator line]
| | | | [herbivore line]
| | | |
| | X/X92 | | JET STREAM (wet)
| | 4i | |
| | | |
| hi | lo | lo |
| | | C | [predator line]
| | | B | [herbivore line]
| | | |
| X/X93 | X/X91 | --/I94| HORSE (dry)
| 4i | 4i | 1no |
| | | |
| hi | lo | hi |
| CC EE| | [predator line]
| BB GG| | [herbivore line]
| | |
|B/P96 --/S44| | TROPICAL (wet)
|2Hno 2 | |
| | |
| hi | lo | Atlantic Ocean:
--------------------------------- MM/Z70
| | 2cm
| HH | MA/M38
| | 3wm
|I/S56 | TROPICAL (wet) MAA/N54
|2 | 3wm
| | ZZZ
| hi | MAA/P32
----------------- 3cm
South America:
Greenhouse Level: Game Over, Earth frozen (down three -- m dentition wins ties)
Milankovich E cycle next: dry and warm up, wet and cold down
Milankovich T cycle next: orogeny and marine down (was seasonal and marine up)
Milankovich P cycle next: dry up, wet down (was wet up, dry down)
Current Turn /
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rrrr (reptile) -
Tom Kassel -
Genes: 16
mmrrr (mammal) -
Togu Oppusunggu -
Genes: 18
B: Size: 4; 1-6 "Two Tusker" archetype (Therapsid)
G: G Heritage
BM: 1-4 BM, 5 BB, 6 BBB; Guts; incompatible with S; Long Swan Neck
1-3 W; Limbs; Tool Use opposable thumb (requires "biped", "forebrain", "tripod", "thumb spike" or "trunk" to express) (66)
rm (reptile) -
Dave Arlington -
Genes: 14
C: Size: 4; 1-6 "Rabbit Croc" archetype (Thecodont)
S: S Heritage
P: 1-6 P; Head; Intraspecies communication (Predators of this genotype
cannot be smaller than this genotype.) (86)
E: Size: 2; 1-2 Seabirds, Birds of Prey (Circoniiformes neornithes)
AMSS (wings): AMSS (wings) Heritage
mmm (mammal) -
Rick Heli -
Genes: 19
mmmmmm (mammal) - Immigrants
Z: Size 2 marine reptile placodonts
AAM: AAMW Heritage
Current Turn /
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Activities Log
Will use Advanced Rules (Milankovich Cycles,
Catastrophes, Biome Migrations, Post-Migration Climax,
Immigrants, Huskers, Advanced Victory Conditions (6.8)), Omnivores,
Re-entry as Immigrant, Hominids, Experimental Specialized Start.
Choose sides.
Choosing starting DNA.
mmm chooses PS.
mmrrr chooses G.
rm chooses S.
rrrr chooses MA.
rrrr places in biome 08.
mmrrr places in biome 18.
rm places in biome 94.
mmm places in biome 30.
- Card is
#134 genotype; T-cycle; Reptile: Seabirds, Birds of Prey (Circoniiformes neornithes); 1-2 AMSS; Mammal: Primates, Monkeys, Apes (Anthropoidea); 1-2PPW
- rm wins bid spending 5.
- All increase to size 2.
- A migrates to 38 and 06.
- B migrates to 26.
- C migrates to 08.
- D migrates to 44.
- Card is
#24 biome II wet termite A-42 [tropical]
- Card locates in Panama west.
- Each player receives 1 gene.
- rm plays E Seabirds at size 2, replacing counter in 08.
- T-cycle: 54 up, 22 down; 38 up, 06 down; 32 up, 14 down
- A, B, C, D to size 3.
- E converts to predator.
- A migrates into 20 and 22.
- B migrates twice into 41.
- C migrates into 18.
- D migrates into 08 and 94.
- Card is
#22 biome I giant arthropods N-36 [tropical]
- Card locates in Panama east, displacing 02 to South America.
- Each player receives 1 gene.
- A, B, C to size 4.
- D to size 2.
- C converts to predator; E converts to herbivore.
- One D counter in 08 changes to predator.
- A migrates to 38, 8, 94, 18.
- B migrates to 20, 22, 08, 94.
- E migrates to 20, 44.
- D herbivore migrates to 20, 22, 30.
- D predator migrates to 20/30 and 22/54.
- A goes extinct in 20, 22, 94.
- B goes extinct in 20, 22, 94.
- E goes extinct in 94.
- D predator goes extinct in 20/30, 22/54.
- Card is
#28 biome MM cold plankton upwell size-70 [marine JS lowland]
- Climax 70 extincts 20.
- Each player receives 1 gene.
- A, B to size 5.
- C to size 3.
- D to size 1.
- One D counter in 94 changes to predator.
- 1 A migrates from 06 to 22.
- 1 A migrates from 08 to 22.
- 1 A migrates from 18 to 94.
- 1 B migrates from 08 to 22.
- 1 C migrates to 41/74.
- 1 D herbivore migrates from 22 to 44.
- 1 D herbivore migrates from 30 to 44.
- 2 D herbivores and an E go extinct in 44.
- 2 D herbivores and 2Es go extinct in 70.
- D herbivore and A go extinct in 22.
- 2 D predators and an A goes extinct in 94.
- Game warden in 18 extincts a B.
- Card is
#70 DNA Guts 1-4 BM, 5 BB, 6 BBB; auction: r; incompatible with S; Long Swan Neck, 4-chambered heart to pump blood to brain
- mmrrr wins card with bid of 7 genes.
- mmrrr plays card on B.
- A to size 6.
- B, C to size 4.
- D to size 2.
- One D counter in 30 changes to predator.
- B expands to 06 and 12.
- D expands to 22.
- C expands to 12/44.
- D predator expands to 12/22.
- Card is
#19 biome GG-H; dry; creosote, sagebrush chaparral, angiosperm compositae artemisia S-68 [horse]
- Climax 68 extincts 04.
- Each player receives 1 gene.
- D to size 3.
- One D counter in 30 changes to predator.
- A expands to 94.
- D herbivore to 22.
- C expands to 54/22.
- Card is
#57 DNA Guts 1-6 PP; auction m; Thermoregulation, panting or sweat glands
- mmm wins the card for 4.
- mmm plays card on D.
- B to size 3.
- C to size 3.
- D to size 4 and convert 1 counter to predator at 30 and 94.
- A expands to 6, 22, 94.
- B expands to 22, 94.
- E expands to 30, 94.
- D herbivore expands to 44.
- D predator expands to 26/18.
- Card is
#153 immigrant; 2AAMW; mmmmmm; marine only; marine reptile placodonts
- Immigrant locates as herbivore in 32.
- B to size 2.
- C to size 4. E to predator.
- D to size 5.
- A expands to 94.
- B expands to 22.
- D herbivore expands to 94.
- C expands to 22 and changes to size 5.
- E expands to 32/14 and to 41/74.
- Card is
#115 genotype; P-cycle; Reptile: Thecodont Rauisuchians poposaurs 1-3 S; Mammal: Hyracoidea hyraxes 1-2 H
- rrrr buys it for 3.
- A down to size 5.
- D up to size 6.
- A expands to 6, 22, 94.
- Card is
#37 catastrophe; Ocean absorption of CO2 rises. Land Bridge disrupts oceans; +5 genes;
First, Bridge opens if flooded, floods if open. Mesozoic: Bridge is Panama; Cenozoic: Bridge is Beringia; Either Era: Spain bridge floods. Then, Greenhouse down one.
- Everyone receives 5 genes.
- Panama Bridge floods.
- Spain Bridge floods.
- Greenhouse level to 200 ppm. m wins genotype auction ties.
- Biomes migrate.
- Biomes 06, 41 go extinct.
- Biomes adjust for moisture and total biomass.
- A to size 6.
- B to size 3.
- D converts a counter to predator in 94.
- C to size 6.
- Card is
#86 DNA Head 1-6 P; auction r; Intraspecies communication (Predators of this genotype
cannot be smaller than this genotype.)
- rm buys for 3.
- B to size 4.
- D to size 5 and convert all counters to predators.
- D to size 4.
- Card is
#124 genotype; T-cycle; Reptile: Deinonychosaur (Saurischian theropod, dromaeosaurs, troodonts) 1-2 APSS; Mammal: Canoids (Carnivora, dogs, bears, bear-dogs) 1-3 APS
- rm buys for 4.
- rm expresses 86 on C.
- rm expresses genotype 124 at size 1 (F).
- T-cycle.
- 22 goes extinct.
- B to size 5.
- C to size 5.
- E to herbivore.
- D to size 3.
- F goes extinct.
- Card is
#64 DNA Head 1-4 A; 5 AA; auction mammals; Coronoid Lower Jaw Process (High bite pressure, lowered jaw joint, enlarged synapsid skull opening)
- mmm wins bid paying 2 and expresses the card.
- Card is
#66 DNA Limbs 1-3 W; auction reptiles; Tool Use opposable thumb (requires "biped", "forebrain", "tripod", "thumb spike" or "trunk" to express)
- Card is
#97 DNA Limbs 1-3 aa; auction reptiles; Plate Armor (Recesses all M or S cards. Not allowed
with M or S heritage.)
- Card is
#23 biome I; butterfly and beetle pollinators, insecta arthropods, lepidoptera, coleoptera S-56 [any highland]
- Card locates at biomass 3 in Sierra Madre East.
- Each player receives 1 gene.
- Card is
#99 DNA Limbs 2 BIa; 3-5 Ba; auction reptiles; Bipedal or Tripodal with defensive Thumb Spike
- rrrr buys it for 7.
- rrrr expresses Rauisuchians in 38 at size 2.
- biomes 18 goes extinct (squeezed out).
- biome 68 goes extinct.
- rrrr plays the Thumb Spike on the Rauisuchians.
- E changes to predator.
- D grows to size 4.
- Card is
#7 biome B-H; Palisades Orogeny mixed pine hardwood forest P-96 [orogeny]
- New biome appears in Sierra Madre west.
- Rain Shadow Dunes locate next to new biome.
- Climax 56 is displaced to where Rain Shadow Dunes were.
- Each player receives 1 gene.
- Waiting on rm size changes and migrations.
- Card is
#116 genotype; T-cycle; Reptile: Thecodont Phytosaurs 1-3 Ma; Mammal: Lagomorphs (Glires, Rabbits) 1 GSS
- rrrr buys for 2.
- rrrr expresses at size 2 replacing counter in 56.
- T cycle applied.
- D down to size 2.
- Card is
#39 catastrophe; Sun Dims (sunspot cycle minimum); +5 genes;
Greenhouse down one.
- Panama Bridge clears.
- Biomes which go extinct: 30, 79.
- D goes extinct.
- Thermoregulation is discarded.
- Coronoid Lower Jaw Process is discarded.
- Card is
#38 catastrophe; Earth enters Milky Way dust cloud (Global rain scrubs CO2);
+5 genes; Greenhouse down one.
- Game will end at the end of this turn with Earth Frozen.
- mmm spends 1 gene.
- Biomes which go extinct: 02, 08, 12, 14, 90.
- A down to size 5.
- G up to size 3.
- A becomes predator.
- B down to size 4.
- C down to size 4.
- A down to size 4.
- A goes extinct.
Final standings:
B: 3 (mmrrr BGM "Two Tusker" archetype (Therapsid))
C: 3 (rm PS "Rabbit Croc" archetype (Thecodont))
E: 2 (rm AMSS Seabirds, Birds of Prey (Circoniiformes neornithes))
G: 2 (rrrr BSa Thecodont Rauisuchians poposaurs)
H: 2 (rrrr BIMaa Thecodont Phytosaurs)
rm wins!
December 20, 1999
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Rick Heli