English Translation
Wed Feb 12 11:39:42 PST 2003 |
Turn Options:
1. Take and keep a Virus (range 1-6) or Injection [12x] (1st Injection halves a virus, second kills it). OR
2. Put a card (Virus or Injection) into circulation (+ to any player, no +, only to neighbor who did not give it to you). OR
3. Play a Risk Card (but not until you have a disease factor of 4 or more, taking
injections into account).
Risk Cards:
ANSTECKUNG: Infection -
I take a virus of my choice from in front of another player, and place it in front of myself. (Viruses with an injection on them, may not be taken.) [1x]
DIAGNOSE: Diagnosis -
I predict which player will finish the round in INTENSIVE CARE. If I'm right, I get 12 plus points, if wrong, 4 minus points. [1x]
HERR DOKTOR!: Doctor -
From now on, I must be addressed as "Sir" ("Madam"). Anyone who fails to do so must give me a tablet if they have one. [1x]
INJEKTION!: Injection -
I play this injection in front of myself. [3x]
KASSEN-PATIENT: Medicare Patient -
I give back one tablet to the Pharmacist if I have one. [1x]
I place this card in front of me, and choose a patient to care for. If this player finishes the round in INTENSIVE CARE; I receive 4 minus points. If not, I get 2 plus points. [1x]
PHARMA-PROBE!: Pharmaceutical Trials -
I give one tablet to a player of my choice if I have one. [1x]
PLAGE! 2: Plague -
I play this virus in front of myself. [3x]
PLAGE! 3: Plague -
I play this virus in front of a player of my choice. [3x]
RÜCKRUF-AKTION!: Manufacturer's Recall -
All other players return one tablet to the Pharmacist if they have one. [1x]
REZEPT: Prescription -
I take these two tablets from the Pharmacist if they are available. [2x]
TESTPERSON: Guinea Pig -
When I place this card in front of me, I take these 3 tablets from players of my choice, otherwise, the card is removed from play. [1x]
VERFALLS-DATUM: Use by date -
The players left and right of me, each return one tablet to the Pharmacist if they have any. [1x]
End of the Round: occurs when a
player reaches a disease factor of 13 or more, or has 3 injections.
That player scores -13 points. All other players score the tablets
that they have left in hand as plus points, and their current
disease factor as minus points. Also score the KRANKENSCHWESTER
and DIAGNOSE cards.