A science fiction simulation designed by Lynn Willis

Rules Summary

Sequence of Play:
  1. Movement Phase
  2. Combat Phase
    CRT:	Combat Odds (round in attacker's favor)		| Transit Attacks
    Roll	1-3	1-2	1-1	2-1	3-1	4-1	|  -2  -1  0
    1	Ar	Dr	D-1	DE	DE	DE	|1 ME  ME  ME
    2	Ar	ne	Dr	D-2	DE	DE	|2 ME  ME  M-1
    3	A-2	ne	Dr	D-1	D-2	DE	|3 ME  M-1 Ms
    4	AE	Ar	ne	Dr	D-1	DE 	|4 ME  Ms  ne
    5	AE	AE	Ar	ne	D-1	D-2	|5 Ms  ne  ne
    6	AE	AE	A-1	Ar	Dr	D-2	|6 ne  ne  S-1
    "E" = eliminated					 "M" = movers 
    "1","2" = enemy picks that many units to be lost	 "S" = stationary
    "r" = retreat					 	 "s" = units stop

  3. Last chance to Declare War until next Movement Phase.
  4. Social Interphase
    1. Tax Phase
      1. Receive Revenue in taxable systems + 1 per planet (regions in revolt or with enemy units do not produce revenue)
        • I-2 generates 2 in taxes, I-1 and A-2 generate 1 tax
        • money goes into the system bank
      2. You can extort one extra tax per region, but this lowers the Allegiance of that region by 1.
      3. Make loan repayments (cannot win if loans outstanding)
        1. pay the amount on the marked loan box
        2. move the loan marker up by 1 on the track
        3. if you cannot pay the full amount,
          1. all regional and national allegiances fall by 1
          2. if defaulting by more than 4, that number of economic levels must be deducted from regions in your systems
          3. you cannot get further loans until all regional and national allegiances are at 3 or better
      4. Borrow money.
        1. you may not borrow if you failed a loan repayment this turn
        2. put the borrowed money on the system
        3. put a marker on the bottom box of the amount borrowed
    2. Transfer Phase
      1. Transfer money to/from Money in Transit Box and/or National Government (NG)
        • other than for subversion, money must be moved through space (carry in a ship or at speed 3 if by itself) to reach another planet
    3. Purchase Phase
      • all purchasing is completely optional
      • in purchasing, be aware of regional "jealousy" -- see step 5.
      1. Purchase Units (Allot SQD, Allot AG or Allot PDF boxes).
        • each region can only purchase units of the type wanted by the party in power
        • each type of unit costs 1
        • I-2 regions produce 6 units max, I-1 regions only 4; other regions nothing (I=Industrial, A=Agricultural, S=Subsistence)
        • may not purchase squadrons if enemy units on system cell
        • may not purchase units in regions containing enemy units
      2. Increase Allegiance and Economic levels.
        1. Allegiance (Loyalty box).
          • spend 1 to increase the curent party allegiance by 1
          • extra money may be spent on Loyalty for "jealousy" purposes (see step 5), but max increase is still 1 per turn
        2. Economic (Econ box).
          • only Moderate (M) governments not in revolt can raise economic levels
          • pay the cost listed between the levels (see Economic Scale)
          • cannot raise economic level if system under siege or enemy units in the region
      3. Attempt to change party affiliations.
        • only allowed if regional party level=2 (Allegiance Index)
        1. pay 1 from NG or lower NATIONAL party loyalty for the current party in the system by 1
        2. roll 1 die: 1-3=revolt, 4-6=change to adjacent party (if party was Moderate (M), make dr: 1-3=Extremist, 4-6=Reactionary) (hint: try to have neighbor regions at allegiance 3 when trying to change a region's party; also good to have PDF's on planet)
      4. Deal with any revolts in progress. For each region, you can try ONE of these options per turn:
        1. Negotiate: roll a die. a 1-2 restores allegiance at 3.
        2. Bribery: pay 2 from the system bank; dieroll=1-4 restores allegiance at 2. Only works for Reactionary (R) revolts.
        3. Police Action: make dieroll less than or equal to the number of PDFs in the system to restore allegiance at 2.
        If the entire system revolts, it is considered neutral, unless only 1 player had subversion money in it, in which case it has a 50% chance of becoming his.
      5. Resolve subversion:
        1. regions with undefended subversion lower allegiance by 1
        2. remove Counter Subversion money
        3. move Subversion money down 1 on the track
      6. Lower Allegiance by 1 in regions which are ...
        1. adjacent to regions in revolt.
        2. "jealous" over uneven spending (if you spent more money for any purpose in another region of the same system, lower allegiance by 1 for every $ the region was shorted; exception, money for bribes spent on revolt)
      7. Lower Economic Level by 1 in regions ...
        1. which are in revolt
        2. which are I-2 with no A-2 in the same system
        3. which are I-1 with no A-1 or A-2 in the same system (each A region can only feed one I region)
        4. where the player wishes (i.e. voluntarily)
        5. occupied by enemy units
      8. Place Subversion money using initiative system.
        • must be physically transported if at war
        • Subvert costs by system type:
          A-2, I-2: 2; others: 1
        • place subversion money at top Subversion Attempt circle
      9. Place De-subversion money.
        • Costs per system: S: 3; others: 2
        • Remove Subversion and De-subversion money after placement
      10. Place Counter-subversion money.
        • Costs per system: S: 2; others: 1
      11. Place new units unless the region is in revolt or has lost its industrial capacity. Party changes do not affect builds.

National Government
Dice roll	Party
---------	-----
2-5		Reactionary (R)
6-8		Moderate (M)
9-12		Extremist (E)

Starting Allegiances:

Die roll	Allegiance Level
--------	----------------
1		2
2-3		3
4		4
5-6		5 if Moderate; 4 otherwise

Starting Economic Levels:

Die roll	Allegiance Level
--------	----------------
1-2		Subsistence (S)
3-4		Agriculture-1 (A-1)
5-6		Agriculture-2 (A-2)

Also ...

Summary by Rick Heli Sat Oct 31 02:09:29 PST 1998