[Spotlight on Games]

High Seas

Rules Summary for the DRSG Board Game
(designed by Douglas Setser & Nathan Wagner)

last updated Wed Jan 26 16:00:02 PST 2000

Game Turn

  1. Movement Phase
    1. Determine Initiative
      1. each player rolls a die, order is highest to lowest, re-roll ties (use number chits to indicate order, or even better, draw chits from a cup)
    2. Choose: (1) City Move, (2) Sea Move or (3) Land Move (in player order)
    3. Move any existing Hurricanes 9+d10 in direction it is going
    4. Weather Variation Check
      1. Players Check Their Hexes on Wind Change Table
        1. Roll Die for Wind Direction (C2.1) and point arrow accordingly
        2. Roll Die for Wind Speed (C2.1) and note
        3. If wind is at Storm during Mar-Nov, another d10 of 7+ means hurricane
          1. Hurricane shifts direction one step clockwise
          2. Hurricane moves as described above
          3. Hurricane affects any hex within 2 of it
          4. Affected cities lose 1 eco level
          5. Ships in port roll on (9) as if it were a storm
          6. Hurricanes crossing an all-land hexside downgrade to storm and stop
          7. Storms last one turn
      2. Declare Sails
        1. if declared at Half Sails, ship receives half MPs (round up)
        2. if declared at No Sails, ship receives no MPs
    5. Players Perform their Moves (in player order)
  2. Advance Turn Marker
    1. If at 4, return to 1 and advance Month marker
    2. If Month marker at Jan, Apr, Jul, or Oct, perform Quarterly Events:
      1. European Status Check
        1. Roll die for each nation relationship.
        2. Adjust each counter on European Status Chart as follows:
          0: 3 toward war; 1: 2 toward war; 2: 1 toward war;
          3-5: no adjustment;
          6: 1 toward alliance; 7-8: 2 toward alliance; 9: 3 toward alliance
      2. Apply Morale Modifiers - each crew's morale is updated per G3.1. If any crew now at morale zero, roll on G8.1.
      3. Determine Primary Wind Direction and Speed - see G9.1-2 on map
    3. If Turn marker at 1, perform Monthly Events:
      1. Disaster Check - die-roll of 0 means roll on G4.1 (rules p. 15)
      2. Move Treasure Galleon Zone
        1. In March, place TG markers in Zone I.
        2. In succeeding months, advance markers to next zone.
        3. Remove markers after last zone.
      3. Remove and Flip Markers
        1. Remove Random Economic Markers - each player rolls a city on G1.1 and removes its Eco Level, excess and depleted markers.
        2. Remove Fortified Markers - all reinforced markers are removed from the map.
        3. Flip Attacked Markers - all attacked markers are flipped to reinforced.
      4. Maintain Depots - owner pays 5 gold each
      5. Feed Crew
        1. Each Prov counter converts to 10 rations on the track.
        2. Each crew needs 1 ration.
        3. All crew are considered fed from the same counter(s).
        4. Player may choose Half Rations which is 1 ration for 2 crew.
        5. Half rations lower morale 1 point and are eliminated on a 0.
        6. If any unfed, they are eliminated and remainder lose 1 morale.
      6. Morale Check - each ship rolls on G8.1 (do not first apply G3.1).
      7. Modify Bounty
        1. If player's national attitude is 1 or less, bounty is 500.
        2. Add 100 for each infamy point captain accrues from attacking this nation.
        3. 500 is taken off is national attitude exceeds 1.
        4. When player loses 2 or more ships to another player, latter receives the bounty.
    4. If at end of game, determine winner by comparing Victory Points (see End a Voyage).

(1) City Move
  1. Choose: Attempt Peaceful Entry or Attack City
    1. Attempt Peaceful Entry
      1. d10 + 2 x Nation Attitude of City Owner - 2 x Number of Warships must be greater than 10 (Warships are war galleons, galleons, frigates and brigs)
      2. If successful, Choose: (4) Conduct Port Activities or (6) Smuggle
      3. Otherwise, Choose: (2) Sea Move, (3) Land Move, (6) Smuggle, or (8) Attack City,
    2. (8) Attack City
  2. Resolve Weather Damage - roll on (9) if ships hit by hurricane or storm
  3. Form/Disband Expeditions - to split/rejoin your forces into/from two

(2) Sea Move
  1. Determine Movement Points
    1. Cross-index wind speed with ship types on C5.2 (map)
    2. Fleet speed is that of slowest ship
    3. Ships with less than minimum crew have only 2 Movement Points
    4. Ships with 2 damage or at Half Sails have half MPs, rounded up
    5. Ships at No Sails or starting in a hex with a hurricane do not move
    6. Ships may be abandoned, transferring crew to other ships (average to get new quality). Cargo is lost.
  2. Move Fleet and Transfer Cargo
    1. Consult C5.3.2 (map) to see how much it costs to enter each hex. Cost varies depending on how much direction varies from wind direction.
    2. Transferring cargo costs MP, 1 per unit, except cannon which are 3 per unit
    3. If player does not move at all, may transfer unlimited cargo
    4. Hurricane-affected ships at sea are first moved 3 hexes in wind direction
    5. Storm-affected ships are first moved 1 hex in wind direction
  3. Resolve Reef & Weather Damage
    1. Ships at sea within 2 hexes of a hurricane or storm during their move must roll on (9) after moving
  4. Form/Disband Expeditions - to split/rejoin your forces into/from two
  5. Check for (5) Encounters

(3) Land Move
  1. Move
    1. Move across an all-land or partial land hexside
    2. May move across 2 such hexsides per turn
    3. Each crew unit may carry 1 cargo except cannon need 3
  2. Resolve Weather Damage
    1. Ships within 2 hexes of a hurricane or storm must roll on (9)
    2. Ships in port roll only for hurricanes, treating them as storms
  3. Form/Disband Expeditions - to split/rejoin your forces into/from two
  4. Check for (5) Encounters

(4) Port Activities
  1. Pay Port Fees or (6) Smuggle
    1. Entering port from land is free
    2. Spanish ports charge 15 gold per ship
    3. English and French ports charge 5 gold per ship during periods I-III
    4. English and French ports charge 10 gold per ship during period IV
    5. Dutch ports are free
    6. Fleets which cannot pay must first choose the Sell Cargo activity and pay with the proceeds
  2. Choose two Activities from A-J (may not both be the same):
    1. Buy Cargo / Ships
      1. Check Port Attitude
        1. If National Attitude 4 or less, cannot buy cannon
        2. If National Attitude 3 or less, cannot buy ammunition
        3. If National Attitude 1 or less, cannot buy except by smuggling
      2. Determine Eco Level
        1. If City Eco-level unknown, determine by d10 halved, rounded down, and record by placing number counter on map.
      3. Determine Market
        1. Check F3.4 to see if city is a Source, Market or Neither
      4. Determine Number of Cargo Available using F3.5
      5. Determine Price using F3.6
      6. Buy (pay gold, store cargo on ships)
      7. Check for Depletion - if over half available are bought, place a Depleted marker
      8. Buy Ships
        1. Roll 1 die to determine if a ship is available
        2. Roll must be equal to or less than the city size.
        3. Roll on D3.2 to determine types available.
          1. Cross-reference roll with nationality of port
          2. One of the first ship listed is available
        4. Roll on F3.8.2 to determine seaworthiness.
        5. See F3.8.3 for price.
          1. Price reduced 20% if eco level 0.
          2. Price increased 20% if eco level 4.
        6. May continue rolling for availability as long as successful and have not generated more ships than city size.
    2. Sell Cargo / Ships
      1. Check Port Attitude
        1. If National Attitude 1 or less, cannot sell except by smuggling
      2. Determine Eco Level
        1. If City Eco-level unknown, determine by d10 halved, rounded down, and record by placing number counter on map.
      3. Determine Market
        1. Check F3.4 to see if city is a Source, Market or Neither
      4. Determine Demand using F3.5
      5. Determine Price using F3.6
      6. Sell (receive gold, remove cargo from ships)
      7. Check for Excess - if over half available are sold, place an In Excess marker
      8. Sell Ships
        1. May only sell ships up to the city size number.
        2. See F3.8.3 for price.
          1. Price reduced 20% if eco level 0.
          2. Price increased 20% if eco level 4.
          3. Damaged ships have their repair costs deducted from the price.
    3. Recruit and/or Dismiss Crew (in any order)
      1. Recruit Crew
        1. Determine Number Available by rolling on F2.2.1
        2. Determine Morale by rolling on F2.2.2
          1. May roll for each crew individually or all as a group
        3. Assign new Crew Units
          1. Assign crews to ships.
          2. May also redistribute existing crew.
          3. Re-calculate weighted crew morale on each ship.
      2. Dismiss Crew by simply removing them.
    4. Repair Ships
      1. Determine number of ships to repair
        1. May only repair one step per ship per turn.
        2. May only repair ships up to the city size.
      2. Determine price on F4.2
        1. May repair ship more cheaply by lowering Seaworthiness.
      3. Repair
    5. Establish Depot
      1. May have 2 depots (warehouses) on map to store unlimited goods.
      2. Cost is 20 times the eco level (10 if eco level is 0).
      3. If controlling nation attitude of port with depot is 1 or less, depot lost.
      4. If port is raided or sacked, then depot is removed. Attacker gets cargo.
      5. Volcanic eruption destroys depots.
    6. Use Depot by placing goods in it and/or taking goods from it.
    7. Purchase a Letter of Marque
      1. Requirements:
        1. Port's nation is at war or hostile with another nation
        2. Port nation's attitude to player is 5 or higher
      2. Effects:
        1. Player loses 1 less point of attitude than usual when attacking a nation hostile or at war with the issuing port's nation
        2. Player gains 1 point of attitude from the issuing port's nation for sacking cities of the hostile/at war nation (each time).
        3. Player gains 2 points of attitude from the issuing port's nation for installing a governor of the nationality of a city he sacks (unless this nation was the original owner).
        4. Player gains 1 point of attitude from the issuing port's nation for sinking/capturing 3 ships of the hostile/at war nation (each time). Player may keep, but must pay 5% of the base price (F3.8.3) for any such captured ships or forego the ship or forfeit the letter. (Cargo and money are his anyway.)
      3. Cost: 100
      4. Losing the Letter:
        1. if the issuing nation is no longer at war/hostile with anyone
        2. if the player attacks the nation
    8. Form Joint Expedition
      1. Both players must be in same hex.
      2. Fleet or expedition is treated as single player.
      3. Either player may leave the fleet or expedition at any time.
      4. May enter into (7) Combat if issues are unresolveable.
    9. End a Voyage
      1. Note on piece of paper the quarter, month and turn
      2. Select 2 ships to retain for future voyages.
      3. Any cargo and crew which can fit into them may also be saved (any other ships and cargo should already have been sold).
      4. Captain's new Reputation is as follows: (3 x Infamy Points) + Gold / (Voyage Length x 500)
      5. But if new Reputation comes out smaller than the old one, instead simply subtract 1 from the old Reputation to get the new one.
      6. Player receives the following number as VP: Infamy Points + (Gold / 1000)
      7. Captain can retain Gold equal to Reputation / 10; the rest is lost.
    10. Start a Voyage
      1. Note on piece of paper the quarter, month and turn
      2. For each month it has been since ending the last voyage, each nation's attitude will move 1 step toward 5.

(5) Encounters
  1. Check for non-player encounter
    1. Choose: Looking for or Avoiding Encounter
    2. Roll on Encounter Check (D1.1)
    3. Determine Type (D3.1)
    4. Determine Nationality (D2.1)
    5. Determine Ships (D3.2, D3.3 or D3.4)
    6. Determine Wind Gauge (roll d10: 0-2 to opponent; 3-6 neither; 7-9 to player)
    7. Determine National Attitude
    8. Resolve (7) Combat
  2. Check for other-player encounter
    1. Choose: Looking for or Avoiding Encounter
    2. Roll on Encounter Check (D1.1)
    3. Choose: Form Joint Expedition or (7) Combat
      1. Form Joint Expedition:
        1. Both players must be in same hex.
        2. Fleet or expedition is treated as single player.
        3. Either player may leave the fleet or expedition at any time.
        4. May enter into (7) Combat if issues are unresolveable.

(6) Smuggle
  1. Successful Smuggle avoids all port fees, but only one port operation is permitted and it must be either a Buy or a Sell. During this operation, demand and supply are cut in half and prices are 150% if buying cargo. Also, smugglers trade after all legitimate traders in the port.
  2. Roll on F1.31a to resolve Smuggle.
    1. If result indicates a Melee, 25% of the crew fight 12.5% of the garrison (round both up). If the crew win, they are ejected from the city. If the garrison wins, go to Trial on F.1.31b.
      1. If cannot pay the fine, all are jailed for one turn for every 25 gold short.
      2. If executed, player loses all Infamy and starts anew.

(7) Combat
  1. Fleet Combat
    1. No fleet combat in hurricanes.
    2. Ships without minimum crew can only respond to grapples, i.e must choose Wait option.
    3. Ship Allocation:
      1. First, determine Wind Gauge (roll d10: 0-2 to opponent; 3-6 neither; 7-9 to player)
      2. The side with wind gauge chooses 2 of his ships to engage 1 enemy ship.
      3. If neither has wind gauge, initiating player chooses 1 of his ships to engage 1 enemy ship.
      4. Then other side picks 1 unengaged ship to engage 1 unengaged enemy ship.
      5. This process continues back and forth until one side fully engaged.
      6. Remaining ships are in reserve until the second round.
    4. Resolve Combat One Round at a Time, Group by Group:
      1. Each ship chooses an Action secretly and simultaneously from E2.4.
      2. Non-player ships are decided by another player, but non-player cogs never attempt melee or cannonade unless pirate.
      3. Reveal Actions and apply results per E2.4.
        Note that for all of the number results "1", "2" and "3", while it is not clear from the chart, the roll is +2 if the wind belongs to the grappling ship (or cannonading ship if no grappling ship) and -2 if it belongs to the other ship.
        Also, when one side is fleeing, it is necessary to use E2.4.8 Pursuit Modifier Table:
      4. See Cannonade and Melee below.
      5. After each round, one ship which has not fled, is not pursuing and is yet not part of a combat group may be added to each combat group. If after this both sides still have ships remaining, they form new combat groups as above.
      6. Every ship (except the flagship) which has taken a cannonade and 2 steps of damage must roll on E2.5 to see if it surrenders or flees on the next round. Ships which surrender are treated as captured and must be manned to be used. Each surrendering crew has a 30% chance of joining the victor -- the rest are eliminated.
      7. When non-player ships are captured, use E2.8a (in rules, E2.7a) to determine amount of cargo on it.
      8. Then roll once per unit on E2.8b (E2.7b) to determine type except first type is always provisions.
      9. Use E2.8c (E2.7c) to determine money captured.
    5. Ramifications:
      1. Player receives Infamy for captures/sinks:
        1. 3 for a War Galley or Treasure Galleon.
        2. 2 for a Galleon or Frigate.
        3. 1 for any other type of ship.
      2. If the Spanish lose a Treasure Galleon, their attitude toward the player drops by 2.
      3. If a nation loses 3+ other ships in a single turn to a player, its attitude toward that player drops by 2.
      4. If a nation loses 1-2 other ships in a single turn to a player, its attitude toward that player drops by 1.
      5. The player gains 1 point of attitude from the issuer of a held Letter of Marque if it is hostile/at war with the nation and two or more ships were sunk/captured.
  2. Cannonade
    1. No ship cannonades during storms; fort cannonades OK.
    2. Resolve cannonade on E4.3, applying modifiers from E4.2.
    3. Each cannon which fires requires 1 crew.
    4. Every cannon fired uses up 1 ammunition step (each ammunition counter is made from 10 steps).
    5. Ships which take 3 or more steps of damage are sunk outright.
  3. Melee
    1. Both sides roll on E5.3 to inflict Melee casualties.
    2. Then, check for victory:
      1. Each side totals up number of crew, morale and leadership.
      2. If one player exceeds another by 25% or more, he has won and may capture the ship.
      3. Otherwise melee continues until both sides want to stop.
      4. Forts and cities are always willing to stop.
  4. Outcome:
    1. All crew on the victorious side gain 1 morale. All crew on the losing side lose 1 morale.

(8) Attack City
  1. Determine City Characteristics:
    1. If City Eco-level unknown, determine by d10 halved, round down.
    2. Lookup number of defenders (E3.1.2) (+1 eco level if fortified, -1 if attacked before)
    3. Roll for morale of defenders (F2.2.2)
    4. If city has a fort, determine number of defending cannon (E3.1.3) (+1 eco level if fortified, -1 if attacked before)
    5. Resolve Wind Gauge (roll d10: 0-2 to opponent; 3-6 neither; 7-9 to player)
    6. Player has option to exchange a Cannonade with the fort (assuming attack from ships).
      1. Side with Wind Gauge receives initial unanswered Cannonade.
      2. Entire fort fires at front or entire fort fires at rear (random).
      3. Fire is distributed evenly with extras attacking the largest ship.
      4. If more than 9 cannon attack one ship, divide into groups of 9 for rolling on E4.3.
      5. Player may break off cannonades at any time, but most stop if out of ammuniton.
    7. Player may then Assault the Fort ...
      1. This is a Melee.
      2. Fort gets one free cannonade before the assault.
      3. Fort's crew are organized into groups of 9 and matched up against player's crew which may either be organized into 9's or by original ship configurations. If the latter, must average the group morale.
      4. Excess crew of one side sit out the first round.
      5. Melee continues until there is a winner or the player retreats.
      6. If the player retreats, each crew which was in combat loses 1 Morale.
      7. If the player wins, he may Sack the city.
    8. ... or Assault the City:
      1. Fort gets one free cannonade before the assault.
      2. If no fort, garrison melees automatically. Otherwise...
      3. Determine if garrison abandons the fort to melee with player, which is treated just as if the player were assaulting the fort above -- roll on E3.4:
      4. If garrison does not melee, player may Raid the city.
    9. Raiding a City:
      1. Place an "Attacked" marker on the city.
      2. Player receives Infamy equal to the city's Eco Level times the City Size (treat a 0 as 1).
      3. The Eco Level of the city drops by 1.
      4. If it cannot drop because already at 0 or 1, place a Depleted marker instead.
      5. Player may take cargo in amount of one-eighth (rounded-down) of what would be available for sale if he were buying goods.
      6. Player takes money in amount of one-eighth (rounded down) of that indicated on E3.8.
      7. Player may take one half of the cargo of his choice at each depot, the rest is destroyed.
      8. Each crew gains 1 point of Morale.
      9. Owning nation attitude toward the player drops by 1. The effect is reduced by 1 if the player holds a Letter of Marque from a nation which is hostile/at war with the nationality.
    10. Sacking a City:
      1. Place an "Attacked" marker on the city.
      2. If player has a Letter of Marque, use G2.4 to see the chance that a city changes nationality to match that of the Letter (at player's option):
        City Size
      3. Player may take cargo in amount of one-half (rounded-down) of what would be available for sale if he were buying goods.
      4. Player takes money in amount indicated on E3.8.
      5. Player receives Infamy equal to 2 times the city's Eco Level times the City Size (treat a 0 as 1).
      6. The Eco Level of the city drops by 2.
      7. If it cannot drop because already at 0 or 1, place a Depleted marker instead.
      8. Player may take all of the cargo of his choice at each depot, but not more than he can carry.
      9. Each crew gains 3 points of Morale if nationality was converted, 2 points otherwise.
      10. Owning nation attitude toward the player drops by 5 if the nationality converted, otherwise 3. This effect is reduced by 1 if the player holds a Letter of Marque from a nation which is hostile/at war with the nationality.
      11. The player gains 2 points of attitude from the issuer of a held Letter of Marque if it is hostile/at war with the nation and the city was converted, 1 if not converted.

(9) Hurricane, Storm and Reef Damage Table
0-3: Ship Sunk
4: Two Steps of Damage
5-6: One Step of Damage
7-9: No Damage

+2 if Seaworthiness is Good
+1 if Seaworthiness is Average
+Navigation Skill minus 2 if using optional rule H

Storm Modifiers:
+1 if ship not PN or SL
+3 if No Sails
+2 if Half Sails
-2 if Hurricane

Reef Modifiers:
+4 if PN or SL
+1 if WG or GL
+3 if any other ship type
+3 if 0-5 cargo
+2 if 6-10 cargo
+1 if 11-15 cargo

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