This is an attempt to trace the history of them: where they started, how their mechanics have developed and changed and what is going on now. Probably there are too many to fit in just one list and probably I will forget some too. Maybe readers can help by suggesting others.
1906: Touring
This is the one that started it all, now nearly a century
ago. After being self-published for a while by a company with the same
name as the company it was licensed by first,
the Wallie Dorr Company, but eventually by
Parker Brothers
and published more or less continuously, with modernizations in
artwork and terminology over the years, until 1975. The "thats" of
this game are rather mild, probably because players are trying to
build up their holdings, the number of miles traveled, at the same
time and combination with strong events would have been unworkable.
Even so, the deck distribution seems to be overheavy with disasters
and sometimes players spend most of their time doing nothing but
waiting for the right card.
But what about the origins of this game. For a long time not much has been known or remembered, but in 2011 with the help of Scott Kamholz this site has discovered new information. This was no casual endeavor, but actually one for which a US patent was acquired, no. 836537. As a consequence, the name of the inventor of this game, the progenitor of this immense stream of gaming activity, can finally be revealed: William Janson Roche.
What do we know of him? Well, not as much as we might like, but he certainly seems to have been a typical inventor type, with wide-ranging interests. He seems to have lived in Pennsylvania and his creations were by no means limited to card games. In 1908, based in New Bethlehem, he patented an Interest Calculator. In 1914, now based at Meadville, Pennsylvania, he patented a sort of coaster sled that could slide on a single runner. He might also have been the author of a book having the title We go modern, published in Pennsylvania by the Roche products company in 1933, which included 70 pages with illustrations and a few poems. It sold for the whopping sum of $1.00.
So it feels like a project the inventor did as a one-off which may not have gotten much attention and so he quickly moved on into other pastures, never realizing just what a major effect he had. For us it is quaint to have a look at the simple original sample cards he created and reflect how far we have come since.
1927: Lindy, the New Flying Game; The New Lindy Flying Game
The patent must have expired after seventeen years, that is by 1923, but no new game
employing these ideas arose. Perhaps everyone had forgotten?
Then, in 1927, a major event in transportation caused not one, but two to appear.
Of course this was the historic solo air crossing of the Atlantic by Charles Lindbergh.
The New Lindy Flying Game
was invented by Paul K. Guillow and published by his Nucraft Toys company.
He seemed well suited for the job as a former flier in the US Navy
who also made gliders and models. The game's
form fitting box included 75 cards: 39 mileage, 10 take off, 10
weather, 15 hazards and 1 Lucky Lindy.
Hazards include forced landing, storm, fog, engine trouble, etc.
The other, similar, game of that year came from industry giant
Parker Brothers.
This one offered 99 cards, 51 of them mileage and 48 of the move and event type.
Head winds kept you from playing the 500 mile cards. Beside obvious disasters like
running out of fuel, players had to deal with ripped fabric and broken propellers.
There were no equivalents to things like puncture proof tires and extra gas.
By the way, it's original price? 75 cents.
With such similar titles and concepts, it's not surprising that a lawsuit emerged, in
this case Nucraft suing
Parker Brothers,
and losing. As a consequence the Nucraft game is much
rarer and more valuable to collectors today.
1954: Mille Bornes
These legal proceedings may well have scared off all competitors for a good long while.
Or perhaps interest in this sort of game had simply waned as Great Depression-oriented
vehicles like Monopoly hogged the game table.
In any case, it seems to have taken the 1950's to have a new development.
In France, Edmond Dujardin returned to the automobile to create his adaptation of
Added is the Coup Fourré concept whereby safeties could be held back
until the corresponding calamity was played, making the player invulnerable, granting
bonus points and adding another level of strategic interest.
1965: Nuclear War
This is the next one I could find, from 1965. What a bizarre choice
of topic! It certainly proved popular nevertheless, or perhaps
because of it? The innovations must have helped too though. Fixed
holdings that only decline (for the most part) means that attacks
can be that much more devastating (satisfying). The slow buildup
of the attack added strategy and planning. And stealing from Mah
Jongg to have the player order jump (with the anti-missile)
was a winning idea as well. Dice or a spinner was added to help in the damage
resolution. Has been supplemented by three expansion kits:
Nuclear Escalation,
Nuclear Proliferation
Nuclear War Booster Packs.
1980: Grass
The game that depicts a hallucinogenic lifestyle adheres more
closely to the pattern established by Touring. (Was there really
nothing else in the genre in the decade and a half previous?) One
twist are the Paranoia cards that one must not be caught with
at the end of the game, but which is passed around the table and
so are difficult to avoid. The rules are a bit vague – do you
1982: Family Business
Here was a very clever innovation, that of the creation of the very
dynamic and often maddening queue of death which often takes on a
life of its own. The player order jump idea previously seen in
Nuclear War was preserved as well.
Star Commander by Historical Concepts took the idea to outer space in a faintly Star Trek way. Players are attempting to be the first to construct a fleet of ships, the unit of accumulation being crew points. The "take that!" sequence is more involved than most as it involves a lengthy exchange of back-and-forth card play in which players shoot and defend. [more]
1988: Enemy in Sight
A few years later Avalon Hill transported the system,
with improvements including much better artwork, to nineteenth-century
sailing vessels. Apparently it sold well because in the very next year
there appeared ...
1989: Modern Naval Battles
... to cover the Cold War era. Featured two later
expansion kits, imaginatively titled Modern Naval Battles II
and Modern Naval Battles III.
1990: Express
This game on collecting various types
of train cars is a fun return to the idea of building up one's holdings
instead of just tearing down a fixed position. As a result, the events
are again relatively weak. It also added a lot of the mechanics from
another seminal card game, Rummy.
1991: Car Wars: the Card Game
More a return to the
Nuclear War model.
1994: Plague & Pestilence
As was this vehicle set in Middle Ages.
1995: Formula Motor Racing
Should this Reiner Knizia creation be included? Here holdings are
indicated not by one's cards, but by one's position in the auto race.
1996: Honor of the Samurai; Lunch
The innovation of the game of shogun-era Japan was to
create two different ways to win: one to try to grab the prize right away
and hope to survive all the slings and arrows of one's opponents, the
other to bide one's time and creep up on it bit by bit.
Money is more reminiscent of Nuclear War in its mechanics
and just as dark in theme, but without the levity.
1997: Groo: the Game
The form showed its
maturity as it won its first commercial tie-in. A clever innovation
is the set of special dice help to control what players can do to one
another. Successful enough to spawn Groo: The Card Game Expansion
1998: Trailer Park Gods; Wucherer
This effort about the very offbeat topic of pagan
worship in trailer parks seems mostly inspired by Nuclear War,
without however heeding its lessons.
The other housing-related
title of this year comes from Germany where the title means
Profiteer (later released as Landlord). It is also somewhat dark in tone as one portrays an avaricious landlord.
1999: Wortelboer; Chez Geek
This unusual game from the Netherlands seems to be in the genre
although, interestingly, the event cards have vanished entirely. Instead,
players use the holdings cards to accomplish much the same result.
In Chez Geek
the topic gets yet stranger as slackers try to sponge off society.
Special abilities conferred by the holdings cards became more
important. Has been expanded several already:
Chez Geek (1999),
Chez Geek 3: Block Party (2001),
Chez Geek: Slack Attack (2000).
2000: Pirate's Plunder; Online: Internet Card Game
The makers of Plague & Pestilence returned to the genre
with a pirates game. Here the holdings can be stolen so it
tends to be a matter of who can steal the treasure last and make
a clean getaway.
In Online, Hasbro, by now the owners of both Touring and
Milles Bornes, updated the concept to a computer theme.
2001: Saloon; Grave Robbers From Outer Space; Who Stole Ed's Pants?; Wyatt Earp
The German game of Wild West fisticuffs feels like Lunch
Money, but with a lot more levity. Its companion game,
Goldrush-City, could be considered a distant cousin to the genre.
Grave Robbers From Outer Space
is a treatment of horror and alien movies.
Later expanded with a look at jungle movies in
Cannibal Pygmies in the Jungle of Doom (also standalone).
Who Stole Ed's Pants?,
a game about solving a crime, is
even more than Family Business, about adjusting the state
of the game parameters, which are owned by all the players in
Wyatt Earp is more in the Rummy vein, but as noted
above, Rummy has been combined with the genre before. It's an
unusual Rummy game though which permits reduction of others'
holdings, even a little bit.
2002: Flagship; Burn Rate; Bang!; Am Rande des Gletschers; Virus & Co.
Now the idea has been taken to outer space combat, a further re-working of the
Naval War concept.
In Burn Rate, even the dot com phenomenon has become the
topic for such a game. In fact the mechanism of holdings gradually
dwindling to nothing seems to work better here than anywhere
And return now to the Wild West of yesteryear with Bang!,
a "take that" featuring the clever innovation that every player has unique
powers derived from his character as well as a hidden player goal.
Am Rande des Gletschers, or "At Glacier's Edge" is set in the ice age.
Players no longer simply draw cards from the deck, but turn them up and try
to capture everything from herbs to giant hamsters to wooly mammoths.
When winter comes they must use this food to nourish their people,
but also use the items, along with dice, to compete for the bragging rights
points that confer victory.
Virus & Co., a satire of modern health care, is an unusual form of
the genre. Now the taking of cards from other players is conditional, dependent
on the player's willingness to take tablets (pay disks) to avoid the virus,
injection or risk card. If they do so pay, they earn the right to pass the nasty
on to someone else.
2003: In 80 Karten Um Die Welt, Wo ist Jack the Ripper
Maybe Take Thats:
There have been other games which use this concept in a wider
context. James Clavell's Tai-Pan and Liberte are just two
that spring to mind.
I understand that Middle Earth: The Wizards
is a collectible card game somewhat based on Milles Bornes.
But since it is just a small subsystem in
those games, I do not formally include them here.
Others I have heard about, but don't have much information on: