Spotlight on Games
War Games
Lords of the Spanish Main - Notes and Exceptions
Tue Mar 27 00:46:11 UTC 2007 (re-organized Permitted Actions section)
Attacks not incurring a pirate tent:
Attacks on Heathens.
Attacks by Heathens.
Attacks on a nation at war.
Attacks by a nation at war.
During Religious Persecution, attacking the opposite religion.
During Thirty Years War, attacks on same nationality but having
the opposite religion.
Other attacks incur a pirate tent.
Prohibited Attacks:
Attacking the same nationality unless one is pirate or carries
Attack by colony on a colony in a different district.
If the attacked agreed to ransom (unless carrying treasure).
May not besiege a treasure city unless at war or already a pirate.
Permitted actions
- Fleet:
- First choose mode:
- Merchant - return pirate card and reset profit to 0:
- Move and trade with a colony or colonies.
- Move treasure fleet (if designated by Treasure player).
- Privateer - take a pirate card (not Treasure player):
- Outfit (turn gold into soldiers by putting coins on card).
- Disband soldiers (pirates may not).
- Interdict during opponent merchant move.
- Raid a colony.
- Raid a pirate haven (i.e. another pirate if you can
guess where it is).
- Besiege a treasure city (pirates or at war only).
- Examine pirate deck.
- Sell pirate intelligence to the treasure player.
- Colony:
- Outfit (turn gold into soldiers by putting coins on card).
- Disband soldiers (heathens may not).
- Raid another colony in the same land district.
- Besiege a treasury city (war or heathen only).
- Treasure City (Treasure player only):
- Outfit treasure city (turn gold into soldiers by putting coins on map).
- Disband soldiers.
- Other:
- Make deals (not including soldiers, original card, cardinal, knight).
- Lend money.
- Blackmail.
Exceptions to Usual Rules (sorted by keyword):
Cardinal: Acquiring this card changes religion to Catholic.
Cardinal: War doubles capitalization costs everywhere except for players holding
princess, cardinal or knight cards
Cards: All unit cards start at 0.
Character: Character cards start at 1; Santo Domingo starts at 3.
Character: Character cards can only be bid on by original owner, which is
free if he has no money.
Deals: Deals involving sale or loan of the starting character, a cardinal,
a knighthood or soldiers are all strictly prohibited.
Event: Any Event drawn during or after 1620 ends the game.
Fleet size: Ship building and taking prizes are the only two ways to increase
fleet size.
Galleon: No galleons in the shoals north and south of Cuba.
Heathen: (C4a) - bullet 3: Heathen colonies cannot disband soldiers.
Heathen: These colonies start out at level 3 without needing to be capitalized.
Heathen: These colonies may only trade with the Dominican missionary player.
Heathen: These colonies are at war with everyone, i.e. can attack and be
attacked by anyone.
Hold: (B5) - bullet 2: a colony or fleet in the size 3 column can hold up
to 3 soldiers, plus accept up to 3 profit. The next bullet lists
an exception: barques can only carry either soldiers or
profit up to their size.
Interdiction: Privateers may not be interdicted unless carrying treasure.
Knight: War doubles capitalization costs everywhere except for players holding
princess, cardinal or knight cards
Market demand: Only increases profit level by 1.
Mill: (C5) - Mills double profits of colonies, but only increase profit
level by 1.
Only colonies with red shields can receive a mill.
Mordida: If both Mordida card slots are full, must disrupt one to make room
for a new one.
New: New colonies and fleets start at 1.
Pirate: (C4a) - bullet 3: Pirate fleets cannot disband soldiers.
Pirate: (E2) - bullet: Pirate fleets can only trade with their own nationality
or Spanish smuggling ports (red lettering and a corrupt governor card
Princess: War doubles capitalization costs everywhere except for players holding
princess, cardinal or knight cards
Privateer: Any player, except the treasure player, can look at the pirate
deck anytime.
Privateers: Privateers may not be interdicted unless carrying treasure.
Quicksilver fleet: increases silver mine colony profit level by 1.
Red Shield: Only colonies with red shields can receive a mill.
Religious Persecution: permits cross-religion attacks without taking a pirate
16x9: Each colony automatically grows by 1.
Slaver: increases colony profit level by 1.
Stars: (D2): Starred symbols on a Mordida card mean this card is disrupted,
i.e. if there is no capitalization shield on it, it leaves the game;
otherwise it goes to the Mercenary deck. If not re-purchased, at next
chance, leaves game.
Start: Each player starts with 5 pennies.
30 Years War: Cards can attack same nationality as long as opposite religions.
Tiebreakers: In auctions, ties are broken in the following order:
1. Religion; 2. Nationality; 3. High crown number.
War: doubles capitalization costs everywhere except for players holding
princess, cardinal or knight cards
War: Units of a nation at war can attack others and can be freely attacked
without incurring a pirate tent.
Wisselbank: Card 62 - Wisselbank of Amsterdam: This card pays one gold once per
turn for capitalization of another card.
Complete List of Skullduggeries including costs:
"s" next to a cost means card is surrendered when used for this
Card which is Catholic held by Protestant disrupted - 6s/6s
Card which is Dutch held by non-Dutch disrupted - 4s
Card which is Dutch seized if disrupted - 4
Card which is English and disrupted seized - 1
Card which is English disrupted - 6s
Card which is French disrupted - 3s/3s
Card which is French seized if disrupted - 3
Card which is Protestant disrupted - 6s
Card which is Protestant held by Catholic disrupted - 6s
Card which is Protestant seized if disrupted - 4
Card which is disrupted seized - 3
Cards which are French permanently lose their religion - 2
Colony at Arabucu pillaged and sacked - 4
Colony in Cuba or Española pillaged - 4
Colony in Honduras pillaged - 4
Colony in Leewards which is not Spanish pillaged - 4
Colony in Panama pillaged - 4
Colony in Venezuela which is not Spanish pillaged - 4
Colony without soldiers disrupted - 4/4/4s
Fleet becomes quicksilver fleet - 1/1
Fleet becomes slave fleet - 2/2/5/3s
Fleet increased by 1 - 4/4/5/5
Fort in battle destroyed - 2
Heathen card seized - 5
Heathen colony seized - 2/4s
Heathen soldier stolen for own colony - 4s
Immature card or tent Capitalization reduced by 1 year - 2s
Immature card or tent advanced one year - 2s
Mill destroyed - 1s
Mordida held by a Spanish player disrupted - 3s
Mordida of your nationality seized - 6
Mordida which is Catholic disrupted - 5s
Mordida which is Spanish disrupted - 5s
Pirate tent placed on any fleet - 3s
Pirate tent removed - 1/2/1s
Princess seized - 1
Ship lost last year replaced - 1
Skullduggery from another card in play may be performed - 6s
Skullduggery immunity for 1 year - 1/1
Skullduggery nullified once - 5
Treasure tent extra in Cartagena next treasure year - 4s
Truce broken - 2s
Truce established - 2
Truce on all wars - 3
Truce with Spain - 2s
Truce with any nation made or broken - 3/1s/3s
Unit which is British held by non-British disrupted - 1s
Unit which is Catholic a pirate this year - 1
Unit which is Spanish disrupted - 3s
Unit which is disrupted and Protestant seized - 3
War between Catholics and Protestants this year - 1/1/1/1/3
Lords of the Spanish Main-related pages on this site: