Spotlight on Games > Ludographies > Essen 2010
Essen 2010 Game by Game

Trivia Games

Andere Länder - andere Sitten!
Marion Luger; Piatnik; 2-6; 30-60
Topic in "Other Lands" is the customs of other countries. One player reads a card describing a custom and marks 5 countries as possible answers. The rest people guess which is a match and points are awarded for correct answers. [more]

100 Einzigartige Orte
Awiwa/Hutter; 2-6; 45-60
Questions are about the "100 Places on Earth" which are disappearing due to climate change. [more]

Der blaue Kristall
Peter Steinke; Spieltrieb; 3-6
"The Blue Crystal" is about solar power plants. During the game, players acquire solar panels that they can use to build their own power plants or to contribute to community power plants. On other playing spaces players draw action cards, some of which contain a question on solar energy. Goal is to produce and sell a pre-set amount of solar power. [more]

Logo - das große Spiel der Marken
unknown; Jumbo; 2-6
Trivia game to see how well you know companies, products, slogans and logos. Four hundred cards contain 1600 questions, e.g. Which cell phone brand is named after a Finnish city? What is the logo of Langnese? Which of these chocolate bars contain no peanuts? Which company is known for saying "Nothing is impossible"? [more]

Fréderic Henry; Hazgaard Editions; 2-8; 15
Each of 109 cards shows an invention and on the other side its year. Players take turns placing a card in a row on the table trying to get it in the proper chronological order. Goal is to thus get rid of all of one's cards. [more]

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Spotlight on Games > Ludographies > Essen 2010